0.84/Sugar LiveCD

< 0.84
Revision as of 07:00, 19 August 2008 by Carlo (talk | contribs) (Official SugarLabs Sugar Live CD requirements page)
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Target Users

Main users of the CD Distro would be

  • Curious
  • Testers
  • Students and teachers that has already available pc-lab set; usually they're made of old and not easy to hack PCs shared among many (school lab)


  • Glucose + Fructose (?)
  • Honey(?)


  • There should be possible to deliver the widest range of languages translations
  • Installation option (?)

Features (Nice to have)

  • Support to use USB stick to hold:
    • Storage
    • Additional Activities
    • Identity (user name and other prefs)
  • Support for installation on local server for diskless labs

Missing Features

All the features in which the LiveCD will differ from the standard distros should be clearly stated and agreed.

Because too hard or impossible to implement
  • Mesh (?)

(Aug.19,2008) Carlo