Features/Sharing Journal Entries Via School Server

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Revision as of 01:37, 4 September 2012 by Ajay Garg (talk | contribs)

Basic Usage

  • This feature helps share Journal/Documents/Mounted-Drives' entries across XOs, via the following two mechanisms ::

    • Peer-to-Peer mode
      • Sharing in this mode is possible, only when the server and client XO(s) are on the same networks. Thus, peer-to-peer sharing would work on
        • XOs connected to the same Access Point.
        • Adhoc-Network connections.

    • Via School-Server
      • In this mode, an XO uploads an entry to the central School Server; from where the client XO(s) may download the entry.
      • This mode of sharing works as long as the School-Server is HTTP-pingable between the server and client XOs. Thus, this mode of sharing would work when
        • XOs are connected to the same Access Point (as long as school-server is pingable throughout).
        • XOs are connected to the different Access Points (as long as school-server is pingable throughout).
        • XOs are conencted to Adhoc-Network (as long as school-server is pingable throughout).

Example Workflow for Peer-To-Peer Mode


[PEER 1] "Journal" - View.


[PEER 1] Detail view of the journal-entry. Note the preview presence.


[PEER 1] Initial "Local Shares" View


[PEER 1] Copy the journal entry to "Local Shares", to make it available for sharing to other peers.


[PEER 1] "Local Shares" view, after copying the entry.


[PEER 1] The detail view in "Local Shares". NOTE that the preview MUST be present, and it must be same as that of "Journal".


[PEER 1] "Journal" - View.


[PEER 1] Detail view of the journal-entry. Note the preview presence.


[PEER 1] Initial "Local Shares" View


[PEER 1] Copy the journal entry to "Local Shares", to make it available for sharing to other peers.


[PEER 1] "Local Shares" view, after copying the entry.


[PEER 1] The detail view in "Local Shares". NOTE that the preview MUST be present, and it must be same as that of "Journal".


[PEER 1] The detail view in "Local Shares". NOTE that the preview MUST be present, and it must be same as that of "Journal".


Confirm by looking into the "Shares" view, that the entries are present.


Ensure that "Documents" folder is empty.


From the "Shares" view, choose an entry to copy (download) to Documents.


Enter a (incorrect) password.


'Passphrase not match' message appears.


Again, choose the entry to copy (download) to Documents.


This time, enter the correct passphrase. The entry is (successfully) downloaded.


Ensure that the entry is present in the "Documents" view.


Ensure that "Shares" view is empty.


Choose the files to upload to the "School-Server".


Confirmation alert pops up. Choose "Continue"


Enter passphrase for first entry, and choose "Ok". Note that passphrase repeats for uploads are allowed.


After the first entry is uploaded, passphrase needs to be entered for the second entry. Then choose "Ok".


Both uploads finished.


Confirm by looking into the "Shares" view, that the entries are present.


Ensure that "Documents" folder is empty.


From the "Shares" view, choose an entry to copy (download) to Documents.


Enter a (incorrect) password.


'Passphrase not match' message appears.


Again, choose the entry to copy (download) to Documents.


This time, enter the correct passphrase. The entry is (successfully) downloaded.


Ensure that the entry is present in the "Documents" view.