Oversight Board/Minutes


When and where

  • to be determined (probably on the order of 1–2 times per month
  • Friday
  • 17.00 (UTC)
  • irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting

To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/UTCHowto or run:

date -d '[current date] [time] UTC' 
date -d '2008-06-03 17:00 UTC'


The meeting is mainly targeted to Sugar Oversight Board, but everyone interested is welcome to join. It's primary purpose is to discuss general issues related to Sugar and the Sugar community; however, it is not intended as a replacement for the weekly developer meetings.

How to add topics

You can add the topics that you want to discuss during the week to the topics section for the meeting. They will be collected during the week and send out in the meeting announcement on _____. A reminder to add topics will be sent out _____.


Monday June 30 2008 - 17.00 (UTC)




Attending in person: Marco Pesenti Gritti, Paul Noja, Tomeu Vizoso, Walter Bender, Carlo Falciola, Franco Lodato, Luca Ferrari, Karen Sandler

Participating by IRC (See log): bernie, mostro, mk8, BryanWB, arjs, shenki, jg, cjb, reed, dwmw2, mtd, walter, marcopg

Friday July 18 2008 - 17.00 (UTC)


Sugar Labs/OversightBoard/Log-2008-07-18


marcopg, walter, erikos, cjb, cjl, dfarning, tomeu, bemasc, erikg



Sugar Labs status

We await feedback from the SFC and OLPC, but there was consensus that it is an adequate expression of the needs of Sugar Labs.
There was consensus that we have made sufficient outreach to the community that the initial list is a fair representation of Sugar Labs; we look forward to having the Membership Committee take it from here.
There was consensus that Walter would put together a strawman election process based upon the Selectricity tool. We are targeting an August election.
There was consensus that we begin with just Oversight and Members committees.
We agreed for the need to solicit more feedback in the wiki for the design direction being proposed by Luca.
  • Budget/Funding
    • Trademarks
We agreed that further discussions with the SFLA about the merits of trademark protection is needed.
    • Conferences
We agreed on the desirability of Sugar Labs participation at conferences around the world, but hope to meet the need by utilizing locals to whatever extent possible. We also discussed the desirability to have a meeting of Sugar Labs developers a couple of times per year. We discussed the possibility of an on-line meeting that leverages resources above and beyond IRC.
We agreed on the necessity of Sugar Labs participation in the learning community, but don't yet have a good handle on the best and most efficient means of accomplishing this.
    • Infrastructure
We briefly reviewed the current situation and will solicit a report from the ad hoc infrastructure committee for next week's continuation of the discussion.
    • Staff
We adjourned after agreeing to reconvene on the 25 July.

Friday 1 August 2008 - 14.00 (UTC)


Sugar Labs/OversightBoard/Minutes/Log-2008-08-01


walter, marcopg, bemasc, cjb, erikos, mtd, unmadindu, dirakx




  • Review minutes from last meeting
Approved the minutes from the 18 July 2008 meeting
Walter reported on some outstanding business from the last meeting:
  • infrastructure status: Solarsail is running and services are being migrated over; Walter is trying to find a second server for additional services;
  • conservancy status: Karen will provide feedback regarding the agreement the week of 4 August;
  • board election: Walter confirmed that http://selectricity.org will be adequate for our needs.
  • Set next meeting date
Early September
  • Set date for election
    • Solicit candidates for election
We discussed the election in more detail and agreed to hold an open nomination period until 16 August 2008 and an election from 17 August to 30 August 2008. Walter agreed to announce this to the Sugar Labs initial members list.

Infrastructure status

  • Hardware
  • Hosting
  • etc.
Much of the remainder of the meeting was in regard to the relationship between the engineering needs of OLPC and the long-term goals and the relationship to the learning community:
  • we applauded the efforts to reach out to the Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu communities and agreed that supporting these efforts will be instrumental in our ability to reach a broader user community;
  • we acknowledged the efforts to date and agreed there is a need for more focus on tools for "trying" Sugar, e.g., LiveCD, LiveUSB, etc.;
  • we bemoaned the fact that it has been difficult to find additional engineering resources for Sugar—a priority;
  • we discussed some of the subsystems that are in need of attention: collaboration and datastore and agreed, in the case of the latter, to reach out to the GNOME community for help.

Key issues

  • Engineering
    • Stability
    • QA
    • Updates
    • growing the community of contributors
  • Learning
    • Outreach
    • Feedback
    • growing the community of contributors

Friday 5 September 2008 - 14.00 (UTC)


Sugar Labs/OversightBoard/Minutes/Log-2008-09-05


walter, gregdek, marcopg, tomeu, erikos, bernieXO (AKA NerdyNipple-f169), dfarning, cjb, cjl, davidb




  • OB meeting protocols
  • Additional OB representatives (learning, design, deployment)
  • Finalize SFC agreement
  • Appoint Membership Committee
  • Appoint ombudsman
  • Proposals
  • Fund raising
  • Logo: We discussed a new logo proposal (See sugarlabs

Infrastructure status

  • Hardware
  • Hosting
  • @sugarlabs.org
  • etc.

Key issues

  • Engineering
    • Ports
    • Stability
    • QA
    • Updates
    • Accessibility
    • growing the community of contributors
  • Learning
    • Outreach
    • Feedback
    • growing the community of contributors