<===(Go to Fedora 18)

Fedora 19 anaconda installer

  • Test versions of f19 rawhide:
NEW 02/14/2013
Installs sugar-desktop from .iso in VirtualBox
Installs to VirtualBox from burned DVD
Boots fine and installs to VirtualBox
Installs to USB HD from dd usb
dd if=Fedora-19-Nightly-20130129.10-x86_64-Live-xfce.iso of=/dev/sd(x) bs=2M
Use "mount" in terminal to see device name /dev/sd(x) x=b,c,d,,,
  • Annotated screen-shots 02/14/2013


  • Language Selection


Main Hub

  • Download Metadata
Wait for this to finish


Date & Time


Software Selection

  • Select Sugar Desktop Environment


Install Options


  • Partition Scheme


  • [Continue]

Sofware Selected Main Hub


Installation Destination

  • Select Disk


  • [Done]

Installation Options


Customize partition of the disks


Manual Partitioning


  • Automatic selected



  • You can edit each partition for file type and label
  • IF 2 or more disks were selected in "Installation Destination" Raid would be available
(grub will be installed on the disk selected in set as boot device screen)


Finish partitioning


Begin Installation

Enter root password
(Back 2 times)


new write up on Anaconda Installer


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