User talk:Anoop Kumar

About Me

Name : Anoop Kumar
E-mail :
Location : Hyderabad (GMT +5:30), I am comfortable working anytime between 13:00 and 23:00 UTC.
University: International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad.
Sugar labs Wiki username : anooopkumar
freenode IRC nick : anoopkumar/anooopkumar
Primary languages: English and Telugu.
Have you participated in an open-source project before?

About the Project

What is the name of your project?
Project Sharing Website.

Description of Project
A website where kids can share their projects created using various sugar activities and also work on them collaboratively. The website will foster collaboration and provide a platform where students can showcase their work and learn from others work. Students receive appreciation and feedback for their work from their peers, parent and teachers. Teachers can create "private classroom spaces".

Web2py/Python framework for the backend and mjor part of frontend. Web2py mainly because it is python framework, provides security for common vulnerabilities, supports multiple protocols required for this project. It follows model-view-controller (MVC) pattern, provides testing and version controlling tools to make the workflow easier. Most of the frontend development can be done using HTML, CSS3 and jQuery in web2py, but if requirement is high then I may use bootstrap to get the work done quickly. API’s to interact with sugar activities.


  • A simple GUI which is both attractive and intuitive from children’s perspective.
  • Kids
  • Can share projects and galleries with others.
  • Can create galleries based on activity, category, difficulty of projects it has etc.
  • Can add other’s project to their gallery and start improving.
  • Can add friends and teachers.
  • Can receive feed from friends and teachers.
  • Can browse all projects, featured projects, recent projects, similar projects etc.
  • Can share projects with friends for collaborative work.
  • Teachers
  • Can share projects and galleries with others.
  • Can create private class rooms and add students to it.
  • Can browse all projects, featured projects, recent projects etc.
  • Can receive the feed from the students to know their progress.
  • Other social features like liking, commenting, giving feedback are available.
  • Private class rooms will have features like chat, collaborative environment.
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Separate Landing page for Parents.
  • Project can be viewed as video, audio, photo stream etc. Every project has description and few related tags.
  • Projects can be posted from sugar activities also.
  • Login using sugar account/ other accounts (google etc.).
  • Integration with social networks is also available to help share projects on social networks also.
  • Forums are available to discuss about a project.

New features may be added and some of the above mentioned may be removed based on the requirements.

May 27 – June 16
Community bonding and understanding sugar environment to build implement rest APIs.
June 17 – June23
The requirement analysis is done and technologies to be used is finalized through discussion with mentor. Mockups for the all different pages is created. Website architecture is designed.
June 24 - July 1
CSS are designed based on the mockups. Functionalities like Creation of profiles, authentication profiles and other common vulnerabilities related to security are taken care.
July 2 – July 8
Sharing projects, creation of galleries, and other social features like commenting, liking, feedback etc.
July 9 – July 15
Private class room features like chat and collaborative environment are created.
July 16 – July 22
Landing pages for students, teachers and parents with all the functionalities they have.
July 23- July 29
Project viewing functionality, forums.
July 29 – Aug 2
Mid Term Evaluation
Aug 3 – Aug 9
Testing and Bug fixes, also based on the feedback received after evaluation.
Aug 10 – Aug 16
Implement Rest –API to upload and download project via sugar activity.
Aug 17 – Aug 23
Multi Language support and some improvements of previous functionalities and enhancing GUI.
Aug 24 – Aug 30
Social Network integration and other basic information about organization and website.
Sep 1 – Sep 7
Final Testing and Bug fixing.
Sep 7 – Sep 16
Time to complete undone tasks.
Sep 23:
Pencils Down date

My Past work:
I am 3rd year undergraduate pursuing bachelors in computer science at International Institute of Information technology, Hyderabad. I have been developing many application and been part of many projects in these three years.
I have been part of technical team of annual technical fest of our university ( The work of technical team involved building portals for many online events and also a chat bot which answers question related to fest. I have been built a web application to automate the course and exam timetable of our university. Also been a part of project to build the course management portal for our institute ( yet to be deployed).
I have started using web2py recently and started building a small app imitating e-commerce portals having search by category mechanism and shopping cart. Also created a music library using web2py.
Currently I am working on a strategy game to help high school students understand concepts of social, political, economic decision making creating an environment similar ( in related aspects) to the current society.
I have also developed some other applications as part of course work like ‘temple run’ like game, multi -threaded proxy server, basic functionalities of opengl pipeline, mini-sql engine which can perform basic sql operations.
What is your t-shirt size?
Small (S)

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