Features/Teacher Buddy


This feature provides a new field in the presence server buddy mechanism for identifying teachers.


  • Email: <walter AT sugarlabs DOT org> <gonzalo AT sugarlabs DOT org>

Current status

  • Targeted release: 1.0
  • Last updated: 29 July 2013
  • Percentage of completion: 50% (buddy.py is finished. we need to add a corresponding mechanism for visualizing teachers in the GUI)

Detailed Description

Benefit to Sugar

By adding a mechanism for identifying a teacher, we can automate many of the Features/Classroom management features, such as handing in assignments, sharing stats, etc.


The feature requires:

  • adding a new field to jarabe/model/buddy.py
  • a new icon for a teacher XO
  • a test in jarabe/view/buddyicon.py for the teacher buddy

UI Design

How To Test

Features/Teacher Buddy/Testing

User Experience

The exact mechanism for setting the teacher boolean is to be determined.

The basic change to the user experience is simply a different icon to represent a teacher in the UI. The auto-detection of teachers will be exploited in the Features/Classroom management systems.


Contingency Plan

No impact as this is a new feature.


Some discussions with the design team regarding the placement of the buttons on the palettes.

Release Notes

Comments and Discussion