Fedora/Sugar test cases

SoaS spin

  1. SoaS boots to the Learner name selection screen.
    • Live version should boot directly to this screen with no login to liveuser first.
  2. SoaS installed to hard disk with liveinst in root terminal, should boot to (lightdm or gdm) using the name and password for the user setup in anaconda.
  3. Jabber.sugarlabs.org should connect and display XO "Buddies" in the Network Neighborhood screen (F1).
    • If connected to a wired network.
    • If connected to wireless access points shown on the sugar-emulator/runner Neighborhood screen.
    • While connected to an access point, it should be able to connect to another XO or computer running Sugar and connected to the same access point.
  4. When a USB storage device is inserted it should show up in the Frame.
    • One can successfully drag-drop items in the Journal to the USB storage.
    • One can successfully install an Activity bundle (xxx.xo file) when dragged from the USB device to the Journal.
    • One can successfully unmount the USB device with a right click on the USB device icon in the Frame.
  5. All functions in My Settings (Sugar control panel) should work.
    • Software update in the control panel should work.
  6. All applications in the Home list view (F3) should work.


  1. Sugar-desktop installed with yum install @sugar-desktop sugar-runner xorg-x11-server-Xephyr in another DE:
    • Start from menu item in DE - Education - sugar
    • log out/log in to (lightdm or gdm) session "Sugar" should run sugar-desktop full screen.
  2. sugar-desktop installed from netinstall or DVD should work.