
Git Backend


The project is aimed to develop a git based backend for Journal.

Functional Requirements

Users(kids) should be able to:

  • Register a unique username
  • Login with his/her unique username
  • Start versioning their program
  • Look at history of their program
  • Clone others and their programs
  • Save new content to versioned programs
  • Look at difference between current state of program and versioned state
  • Create different branches
  • Merge branches
  • Fork others program
  • Make pull request to others program

User Workflow

User workflow image is

The dia file of above workflow is present here.

Steps to move on this project:

1. Code to use git as datastore

   Datastore should provide "CRUD" functionality.

2. Desigin UI

   UI should allow user to perform following activies in database: 
       * fork 
       * clone 
       * pull request 
       * merge 
       * versioning(see history)