Design Team/Proposals/Frame

Reveal/Hide Frame

Reveal/Hide Frame using the Hot corners

  • go with your mouse cursor one one of the corners to reveal the Frame
  • move with the mouse cursor out of the Frame to hide it again

Reveal/Hide Frame using the keyboard

  • use the dedicated Frame key (or F6) to reveal the Frame
  • use the dedicated Frame key (or F6) to hide the Frame
  • any cursor movement has no effect

Reveal/Hide Frame using a gesture

  • using a gesture like a swipe to one of the corners to reveal the Frame
  • will that be the same behavior as with the hot corners or as with the dedicated key?

Introduce Frame

The Frame is one of the components of the Shell that is not discoverable that easy, we might want to do an animation to help that.

Additions to the Frame

Frame Clock


24-h digital settings panel 12-h digital with panel

From Eben: basic digital clock, digital settings, digital with calendar in panel analog clock