Development Team/Sound
This subpage of the Development Team is aimed at bringing together all known issues and solutions relating to sound on Sugar. The expansion of this wiki will enable a coordinated approach to fixing the known issues. It will also allow contributors, from inside and outside the Sugar community, to participate and follow the work being done. Please list current initiatives to improve the sound on Sugar by editing this wiki using the format described below.
Crowdsourcing Audio and Image Localization
- Pootle doesn't currently support the localization of audio and image files in a manner similar to text
- We need a way to extract needed audio translations and images and provide a mechanism that comm
- Greater details are in these blog posts:
Current available solutions
- alfresco
- other software packages
Proposed solution
- modifying pootle to support uploading audio and image files
- using something like alfresco
- Under discussion, meeting to be held at 11:30 UTC July 21 on #sugar-meeting
- ...
Loss of Sound Volume
- [Information on known issue here]
- ...
Current available solutions
- In Terminal,
amixer sset PCM 90% unmute
- olpc:FixSound
Proposed solution
- [Information on solution here]
- ...
Sugar Sound Workshop (in conjunction with LAC2010)
- Workshop to be held in Ultrecht beginning of May 2010 with aim to improve sound on Sugar
- Please add issues you think are relevant for the workshop in the headings below
- Please add your name here if you think you can help in any way:
Title of issue here
- Details
Current available solutions
- Details
Proposed solution
- Details
- Details