Ninja Bear's Grammar Games

Game selection menu screen


Ninja Bear's Grammar Games contains three minigames that are targeted towards test fourth grade Grammar Skills.

Current Status

Users on linux can run download and run the game from the github repository; it only requires pygame to be installed on the machine. The game also works on the XO laptops if the repo is cloned into the Activities folder and named grammar_game.activity.

Future ideas

  • Expand the game
  • * More Minigames
  • * More Trophies
  • Graphics for the minigames


"Ninja Bear's Grammar Games" is licensed under the GPL v3 license, found here.

Resources and Links

Github Repository:



Three three minigames we currently have test 4th grade students ability to recognize complete sentences, understand proper prepositional phrases, and use correct relative pronouns The completion of the games rewards the players with a trophy to be viewed in the trophy case visible from the main menu.