Oversight Board/2010/Meeting Minutes-2010-05-14

In attendance:

SLOB members: walter, seandaley, canoeberry, cjb, bernie

Some community members (including rgs, sdz, dogi, alsroot) attended the meeting.


  1. Trademark policy
  2. Vacancies


We await further word from the SFC.

Action: Walter to compile a list of outstanding TM requests to review at the next meeting.


We discussed the need to fill three positions: (1) Deployment Team lead; (2) Development Team lead; and (3) Release Manager

RGS agreed to take on the Deployment Team position. We agreed to hold an election to fill the Development Team lead and defer the appointment of a new Release Manager until after the new Development Team lead is in place.

Action: CJB will organize a 10-day campaign followed by a 10-day election for a new Developer Team lead.

Next meeting

Friday, 21 April 2010 15:00 UTC


Meeting Log