Oversight Board/2010/Meeting Minutes-2010-08-24

In attendance:

SLOB members: walter, bernie, tomeu, canoeberry, cjb

Some community members attended the meeting.


  1. Maintainers
  2. Election


We had general discussion of the state of maintainers within the Sugar community. It was pointed out that we have maintainers being supported by OLPC, Collabora, and AC. We celebrated this and also expressed the goal of developing more maintainers from within the deployments.


We will be holding an Oversight Board election in October. Three positions have terms expiring: cjb, seandaly, and canoeberry. In the run up to the election, we need to:

  1. update our membership list (lfaraone has agreed to do this);
  2. solicit candidates;
  3. prepare the ballot; and
  4. run the election.

The following message was send to the lists: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2010-August/011566.html

Next meeting

Tuesday, 7 September 2010 15:00 UTC (11AM EST)


Meeting Log