Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2011-12-20

In attendance:

SLOB members: walterbender, cjb, icarito, alsroot, cjl, GeraldA

Community members including: bkuhn (Bradley Kuhn --SFC), keynote2k (Tony Sebro --SFC)


  1. Oversight Board offices
  2. Local Labs

Oversight Board offices

  • We have two potential candidates for "coordinator of the finance team". Walter will circulate details after discussing the matter with the candidates.
  • Walter will ask Bert if he is willing to continue on as Ombudsman.
  • Walter will discuss with Bradley alternatives to the Executive Director title.

Local Labs

  • Walter mentioned that there is a request to from a Sugar Labs Poland.
  • Bradley Kuhn and Tony Sebro from the SFC again led a discussion about the interrelationship between local labs and the SFC. They are in the process of polling the current local labs re their formal organizational structure and get back to us.
  • Chris (Leonard) brought up the subject of targeted donations; it was generally accepted that funds donated to Sugar Labs could be targeted to well-defined activities that "Promote, defend and advocate Open Source and Free Software" and "drafted with a budget and a clear connection to SFC mission." "Donations in the end are to Sugar Labs, and the SLOBs decide how the funds are spent, pursuant to Conservancy approval and oversight as outlined in the FSA."

