Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2020-09-16

Agenda for SLOBs Meeting

2020-09-16 at 20:00 UTC on Jitsi

Role Call

SLOBs: Alex, Lionel, Claudia, James, Ibiam, Devin, Rahul

SL Inc. Officers: Lionel, Claudia, Samson, Devin

Community: Jui

Report from project representative (Conservancy liaison)

Nothing to Report

Reports from Ombudsman

No reports

James and Ibiam Sugar Activity Job Report

Waiting for the board to review and make comments.

Action Item: Next step is SLOBs'.

Walter asked for flatpack to be added to the list.

Hard to create an hourly estimate because they do not know how many hours it will take.

Continued action makes it more difficult.

Claudia asks that we prioritize activities that are used more often.

Any final reports from project teams, Google Summer of Code

Proposed Motion (James): receive the Google $1000 donation and add it to mentor stipends.

Ibiam: Seconded

Rahul: Abstain

Claudia: +1

Devin: Abstain

Alex: +1

(Motion agreed)

Time and Place of Next Meeting

Sep 30th 20:00UTC via Jitsi


[Scheduled: End SLObS Meeting at 20:30 UTC]

[Scheduled: Begin Meeting with Lawyer at 20:30 UTC]

1023 Status Report and Action Items

Lawyer happy to do any work we cannot.

Bylaws and Governance

Considerations: Memberships -- what is the barrier to entry?

Board Composition and Election (Cont.)

Considerations: Do we have members vote for the board of directors?

1023 Stuff

Future: Only if they are not in the narrative description of activities? Decision: Our future plans are not too different from what we are doing today. Not needed.

History: Cut down to one page.

TODO: Make Bios more badass.

[Scheduled: End Meeting Roughly 21:15 UTC]