Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2021-03-03

SLOB Meeting -- February 17, 2021

Attending: Walter, Claudia, Lionel, Perrie, MrBios, Jui, Ibiam

From the community: Samson, Sum2it, srevinsaju, Quozl, Mariana Ludmila Cortés



No transactions as of yet in 2021


Nothing to report.

Walter still needs to write some text to make it more obvious in our Code of Conduct that we have an ombudsman.


Claudia reported no new correspondence


Samson is working on the proposal, due 26 March. We agreed to apply for three slots: 1 each for Sugar, Sugarizer, and Music Blocks to develop support materials for teachers.


Walter will look into whether or not there was a recording.


The bulk of the meeting was a discussion about OLPC led by Mariana Ludmila Cortés, the new president of OLPC. See the log below to follow along.

Next Meeting

20 March 2021


Mariana Ludmila Cortés Hi everyone. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): hey Mariana Ludmila Cortés glad you made it quozl: 'ello. llaske_: Hi all sum2it: Hi all walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Hello Sugar Labs Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Honored for the invitation What are you guys up to? walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Mariana Ludmila Cortés: just waiting for a few more people -- Claudia -- to show up sum2it: Thanks for joining in, Mariana! Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Sure thing Thanks you!! mrbios: Hello folks perrieee: Hello walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I think we have a quorum sum2it changed their display name to Sumit Srivastava. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): let me run through a few bits of busy and then we can get to our main topic: OLPC/Sugar Nothing to report re finances Mariana Ludmila Cortés: great walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Nothing to report from Patty/Ombudsman I have not heard anything from Claudia re the SFC mrbios: Mariana Ludmila Cortés, thanks for joining us, I'm Alex Perez (SLOB member) Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Hola, Alex! mrbios changed their display name to Alex Perez. Samson Goddy: Hello @ma Mariana Ludmila Cortés walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Samson Goddy: anything to report re applying to Season of Docs? Mariana Ludmila Cortés:: Hola Samson! Samson Goddy: Yes, I do. callaurrea: Hi eveyrone walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Hi claudia Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Hola Claudia! callaurrea: :* callaurrea: Hola! walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Samson. please give us an update callaurrea: sorry... late a few min Samson Goddy: Okay Mariana Ludmila Cortés: great to see you here Thanks for the invitations. Very happy to be around. Samson Goddy: We need a budget, and a scope of work and send in our plan before 26th March walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): How does the budget work? Alex Perez: budget for what, specifically? walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): what would be included? Samson Goddy: It is grant based, from $5K-$15k walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I assumed it was focused on stipends Alex Perez: it seems like we'd be probably more likely to get a smaller grant than a larger one, no? Samson Goddy: https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/org-proposal-template Alex Perez: when are applications due? What's the deadline? walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): 26th of this month Samson Goddy: The idea for the budget is to pay 60-70 percent to the intern than the rest to the organization Each mentor would be paid $500 callaurrea: Sorry to miss the topic.. is Mariana going to give an update on OLPC. We want to take advantage of her visit. Samson Goddy: I think our scope will determine the budget, which I am welcome to work on. I know Claudia mentioned something on a project Idea llaske_ (@freenode_llaske_:matrix.org) joined the room. Quozl_ ibiam: hello. invisible meeting in matrix happening now. we don't get to see it on this side. Alex Perez: I propose a separate Matrix room for ongoing discussion of GSoD between now and the deadline, at the conclusion of this meeting. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I could see 1-3 projects around support for teachers llaske_: +1 Alex callaurrea: +1, Alex Samson Goddy: Yes, but the intern should be getting around $4000 +1 Alex perrieee: I agree walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): maybe we get one each for Sugar, Music Blocks, Sugarizer Samson--can you run with that? Samson Goddy: Sure I can srevinsaju (@srevinsaju:matrix.org): There is a Sugar Labs Matrix community, which helps to keep all sugar labs channels together, I can invite those who are responsible for this. Chihurumnaya Ibiam joined the room. srevinsaju (@srevinsaju:matrix.org): In the Sugar Labs community, we have #sugar-systems and #sugar so far walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I can help with any copy editing Alex Perez: not a bad plan. Should we rewind and let Mariana give us an update? I don't know what her availability is like. we can talk about GSoD for the entire meeting, ,but shouldn't walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Yes... let's devote the rest of the meeting to Mariana Ludmila Cortés Mariana Ludmila Cortés: could you give us an update as to where OLPC is heading? Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Ready when you are. Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Hi Everyone. callaurrea: we are Chihurumnaya Ibiam Quozl_: seems like it, thoughtw e had a bridge to IRC. Mariana Ludmila Cortés: RE XO's: You might know they are not being manufactured any more, neither there are more that 100 in werehouse. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): What are you using these days? (my XO 1 still works) Alex Perez: have you found a successor to the NL3? walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Mariana Ludmila Cortés: some of those present are very interested in hardware/support :P some around pedogogy :P Mariana Ludmila Cortés: To what I've heard,there are some XO's being used mainly by FZT Nicaragua and OLE Nepal, but in the past 3 years Nicaragua was also using some Clamshells NL3's and in the past year they've switched to Chromebooks Alex Perez: How do you feel the global Chromebook shortage is affecting OLPC, if at all? There have been major problems getting enough here in the US, over the past year, due to pandemic remote learning walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Is there interest in booting Linux on the Chromebooks or just Chrome OS -- the latter of course of interest to Lionel and Devin callaurrea: Great to have more comprehensive information, if you have it. Mariana Ludmila Cortés: REason why, at the exact moment when I came back to OLPC, I was announced OLPC had become a Google partner to work with Chromebooks walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I missed that announcement Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Yeah I heard that. Alex Perez: has that been publicly announced yet? I don't get any results searching news for "OLPC Google" walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): FWIW, years ago we wrote a Sugar extension that interfaces between the Journal and GDrive. Not sure it still works Sumit Srivastava: May I also ask if you can tell us about any numbers like how many are have been used recently (or in use), if you've any numbers about that? Mariana Ludmila Cortés Any numbers regarding anything that can measure current impact. Mariana Ludmila Cortés Alex Perez: How do you feel the global Chromebook shortage is affecting OLPC, if at all? There have been major problems getting enough here in the US, over the past year, due to pandemic remote learning It is interesting, because most of the countries OLPC has been working with have not really been reached by Google, as connectivity is an issue... though, Nicaragua has been working with Chromebooks even in no conectivity schools, as some of the android apps they use might work off line Alex Perez: it seems like it would negatively affect the supply, with countries with more cash winning out even here within the US, school districts with the money get Chromebooks, if they can source enough, and many school districts get nothing Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Is there interest in booting Linux on the Chromebooks or just Chrome OS -- the latter of course of interest to Lionel and Devin Yes, there is interest, but so far, what FZT has been doing is useing Chrome OS with Sugarizer. llaske_: Do you have any contact in Peru where they deploy 120 000 Android tablets ? walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I am interest to know if there is a change in the approach to using the computer for learning with the Google move llaske_: did my contacts every get back to you? llaske_: walterbender: unfortunatly no, my own attempt failed too Mariana Ludmila Cortés has that been publicly announced yet? I don't get any results searching news for "OLPC Google" Not yet. This has no more that 3 weeks. We still want to test the devices Quanta is offering. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Nice to hear about Sugarizer at FZT callaurrea: Has OLPC redefine the mission? I am curious about your motivation to join OLPC. llaske_: Very cool! Do you have any contact there. I will be happy to exchange about the use of Sugarizer Mariana Ludmila Cortés it seems like it would negatively affect the supply, with countries with more cash winning out This is exactly what's been happening. Huge demand and low capability to supply small projects. But it is a global issue, not only with Chromebooks but with all laptops. quozl: The semiconductor supply chain is currently overburdened by about 70%, according to Microchip. hat V-shaped kink is to blame. llaske_: (BTW llaske is Lionel Laské in case you missed it) Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Has OLPC redefine the mission? I am curious about your motivation to join OLPC. yes, in dee. My intention is not necessarily to concentrate that much in hardware but in the roots. Bring Papert's voice to the scope. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Mariana Ludmila Cortés: how do they laptops get used in the schools? at home? at present... and how can we help shape that use Mariana Ludmila Cortés: So this is the thing: 2005 OLPC was created to bring laptops (computers to compute) in the hands of kids. OLPC designed and manufactured a laptop for kids to develop better cognitive skills. Long story short: 15 years later even when not the most needed kids have a laptop, there are plente of laptops vendors, distributors, models out there in the hands of kids but we sitll hear that teachers don't use them or don't use dem properly.... even worse: Alex Perez: Mariana Ludmila Cortés, I would encourage you to join the Sugar "IAEP" (It's An Education Project" mailing list, it is very low traffic normally. You can do so at http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep and anybody else who is here and not on it, same goes for you :) Mariana Ludmila Cortés: they don't let children use them, so this in when Seymours research and lessons are more needed than ever. llaske_ (@llaske_:matrix.org): Teacher training is key! Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Agreed 're teacher training. Mariana Ludmila Cortés: OLPC can now concentrate on helping people use laptops as devices to produce not to consume information. Chihurumnaya Ibiam: We used to have workshops here that brought both students and teachers Mariana Ludmila Cortés: So, the idea is to create a platform, as edx but for constructionisms Alex Perez: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I'm married to a fifth grade teacher, so I've witnessed first-hand how unprepared most teachers were, technologically, for a pivot to remote learning, over the past ~year Mariana Ludmila Cortés: and how to use digital technology. Alex Perez: where is "here" (with regards to workshops) Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Alex Perez: Nigeria walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): We've done workshops all over the world llaske_ (@llaske_:matrix.org): In my personnal experience of Sugarizer deployments, only 10% of teacher are able to use digital tools in the classroom walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): is it used at home? callaurrea: What is the model? who is going to fund the development of the platform.. and more importantly, the materials, the engagement, the support... I know you have a lot of experience with communities of practice. Alex Perez: llaske_: yes, and there is a major generational divide too, amongst the "digital native" teachers and those who have been teaching for 30-40 years Mariana Ludmila Cortés: how do they laptops get used in the schools? at home? at present... and how can we help shape that use Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Nepal and Nicaragua are allowing children to take the laptops home. In the case of FZT, they've created a virtual platform to help them with their schooling, but in those areas where there is no internet, they are sending Educational coaches. Alex Perez: good to know. Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Thanks! Will do. Alex Perez: Is OLPC still trying to sell primarily to central governments/ministries of education? or more direct than that? callaurrea: is the idea to "sell" the training, materials, advice, etc? Mariana Ludmila Cortés Alex Perez: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I'm married to a fifth grade teacher, so I've witnessed first-hand how unprepared most teachers were, technologically, for a pivot to remote learning, over the past ~year And it is happing all around the world, that is why it might make sense to have this platform, where organizations as sugarlabs can share knowledge through courses. callaurrea: Is "course" the right bite? Mariana Ludmila Cortés: We've done workshops all over the world There you go, let's have that knowledge available for teachers from all around the world... in different languages. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): is it used at home? The chromebook? Yes. FZT created an image where most of the apps might work offline. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): We have for example about 40 lesson plans for Music Blocks... it would be great to organize it in a way to help support teachers callaurrea: edX works as a non-profit, but its members pay a high membership to have their courses in their platform. The advantage... it is free to the users (and the credential is low cost, but optional) walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I've worked with edX vendors --- they are expensive callaurrea: but I would argue that courses may not be the right bite Jui Pradhan: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: As a clarifying question do you refer to conducting workshops/ making the workshop recordings available? callaurrea: What is the model? who is going to fund the development of the platform.. and more importantly, the materials, the engagement, the support... I know you have a lot of experience with communities of practice. This is exactly where I am at. I need to understand a little bit more the model of open.edx. The platform might be funded by olpc (Lafise) at the beginning. But we will definitely need to become sustainable. Chihurumnaya Ibiam callaurrea Is "course" the right bite? I doubt that too. Alex Perez: walterbender: and, frankly, to make music/CS teachers aware that both MusicBlocks, and the instructional material itself, exists. callaurrea: open edX is the open platform you can download and create courses... but your courses won't be included in edX unless you are a paying member Mariana Ludmila Cortés callaurrea What is the model? who is going to fund the development of the platform.. and more importantly, the materials, the engagement, the support... I know you have a lot of experience with communities of practice. is the idea to "sell" the training, materials, advice, etc? Not really. The idea, at least so far, is to follow the edx model. Let the material be free, if someone ones the certificate, they'll pay for it. callaurrea: edX (open edX) is not a good model of learning walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): Alex Perez: I had a good response from my workhop in Brazil last week callaurrea: sequential.. lesson 1, lesson 2, etc walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): There are some nice extensions to Open edX -- labs Alex Perez walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org) Alex Perez: I had a good response from my workhop in Brazil last week That's great, was it recorded by chance? callaurrea: I don't know that the forum has gotten any better Mariana Ludmila Cortés: So let's say that sugarlabs creates a course. It will be open for teachers, parents, kids to access it. If they want a diploma/certificate, they'll pay for what ever sugarlabs + olpc define as a cost. callaurrea edX works as a non-profit, but its members pay a high membership to have their courses in their platform. The advantage... it is free to the users (and the credential is low cost, but optional) This is I am thinking of. callaurrea: membership and fundraising is what helps sustain.. I don't think credentials Mariana Ludmila Cortés callaurrea but I would argue that courses may not be the right bite Moocs Mariana Ludmila Cortés edX (open edX) is not a good model of learning Any suggestions? walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I don't know how edX works but there are lots of course hosting options callaurrea: yeah Jui Pradhan walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org) I don't know how edX works but there are lots of course hosting options agreed. callaurrea: edX is the platform, is the partnership with universities and other organizations.. it is the fact that you can exchange micrometer credentials among members there are things that can be replicated... there is definitely a benefit in the community quozl: Is there a recognised teaching certification that we could contribute to rather than be isolated? Mariana Ludmila Cortés walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org) I don't know how edX works but there are lots of course hosting options Yup, James has been taking a look to some of them. He has suggested a few. callaurrea: teacher education and professional development need to be redesigned -- it is not just about the courses... we have a series of webinars on the topic (in MIT J-WEL) quozl: I don't know about other countries, but in Australia we have the AQF, the Australian Qualifications Framework, and every piece of learning and training of adults falls somewhere into categorisation within that framework. Influencing the training of teachers requires a structured approach here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Qualifications_Framework Australian Qualifications Framework Australian Qualifications Framework From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search See also: Tertiary education in Australia Australian Qualifications Framework Mariana Ludmila Cortés it is not just about the courses... we have a series of webinars on the topic (in MIT J-WEL) Definitely, and it is not reforming professional development what we are trying to do, but scaling Papert's message. quozl Is there a recognised teaching certification that we could contribute to rather than be isolated? It depends on the country. If open edx is not the platform, there might be other technical solutions callaurrea Mariana Ludmila Cortés If open edx is not the platform, there might be other technical solutions open edX is an empty shell quozl: Just hosting videos with the HTML5 media tags is easy enough. It is student tracking that Open edX brings with it. Alex Perez: A discussion of platforms seems like a good subject of an entirely separate meeting. Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I personally have used some, bu not the best options when scaling, but we might star with that. Jui Pradhan: quozl: I don't know about other countries, but in Australia we have the AQF, the Australian Qualifications Framework, and every piece of learning and training of adults falls somewhere into categorisation within that framework. Influencing the training of teachers requires a structured approach here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Qualifications_FrameworkAs far as I know, in India private schools (number of private schools is greater than government schools) are independent and can choose to partner with education service providers(for extra training, educational platforms or apps)... Not very sure about the procedure for government funded schools. Alex Perez: How is OLPC's financial footing? I've always felt like it could just cease to exist one day, and it wouldn't surprise me Mariana Ludmila Cortés Alex Perez A discussion of platforms seems like a good subject of an entirely separate meeting. How is OLPC's financial footing? I've always felt like it could just cease to exist one day, and it wouldn't surprise me That's what happened for the past 3 years basically. quozl: Student tracking implies someone will be needed for site administration duties. Mariana Ludmila Cortés In reply to quozl Jui Pradhan As far as I know, in India private schools (number of private schools is greater than government schools) are independent and can choose to partner with education service providers(for extra training, educational platforms or apps)... Not very sure about the procedure for government funded schools. Yes. Every country is different. We don't pretend to concentrate each country but on the message. Alex Perez: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: may I ask where you're georgraphically located? Just curious. Chihurumnaya Ibiam quozl Student tracking implies someone will be needed for site administration duties. Yeah but I'm guessing whatever platform the OLPC decides to use would provide that except it's self hosted Mariana Ludmila Cortés Alex Perez Mariana Ludmila Cortés: may I ask where you're georgraphically located? Just curious. Mexico quozl: Jui, thanks. Here, one can't teach without being trained to teach, irregardless of school funding model. I've the certification, and I'm teaching theatre electronics at the moment. :grin: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Financially we might get some support from the bank in the beginning. quozl: Ibiam, we'd still need someone to be responsible for the minimal chores; handling questions from teachers (as students), administration of accounts, issuing certificates, everything open edx may leave to humans at present. Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Yeah that makes sense. Jui Pradhan In reply to quozl Chihurumnaya Ibiam Yeah but I'm guessing whatever platform the OLPC decides to use would provide that except it's self hosted Won't a self hosted platform have an additional responsibility of looking after outreach? Mariana Ludmila Cortés Yeah but I'm guessing whatever platform the OLPC decides to use would provide that except it's self hosted For personal projects I've been using some platforms without problems. The scaling. is the issue, but we need to start somewhere low and let the users determine the scalability. Those decisions come with usage. Alex Perez: Here in the US, you can teach in a private school with no required credential, in most states. maybe all. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I think the first step is to design a course... then we can figure out how to host it and support it. quozl: Alex, that's wonderfully free. Chihurumnaya Ibiam In reply to Chihurumnaya Ibiam Jui Pradhan Won't a self hosted platform have an additional responsibility of looking after outreach? They'll be lots of additional responsibilities bit if it was just student tracking then that can be provided by the platform. Alex Perez: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: are you working full time at OLPC? Mariana Ludmila Cortés: yup Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Be right back. ibiam left the room. Alex Perez: We are at the one-hour mark. I'm not interested in ending this conversation, just pointing it out for those who may need to leave. callaurrea: what makes sense in terms of collaboration.. between OLPC and SL? Alex Perez: yes, that's the bigger question, but we need to know where OLPC is headed first, at least at a high level walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I think if OLPC is interested in, for example Sugarizer, it would make sense to work together on materials for teachers Alex Perez: agreed llaske_ (@llaske_:matrix.org): +1 walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): of Music Blocks or other ideas Mariana Ludmila Cortés: This first quarter is about exploration. Exploring ideas, brainstorming, taking an x-ray of how people at OLPC can react to certain situations and how outsiders react to OLPC. This is just the beginning, time to create a business plan accordingly, so I guess we will need to talk later again when things are more clear. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): I think if OLPC is interested in, for example Sugarizer, it would make sense to work together on materials for teachers I am pretty sure there is an installed based in central america who might be very interested in that. walterbender (@walterbender:matrix.org): or other ideas There are a few other interesting ideas, also coming from FZT. I'll be happy to share. What I can do at this point is explore with FZT so they can share with us what their needs are on Sugarizer. I can share whatever their responses are. llaske_ (@llaske_:matrix.org): Will be happy to help here. Do not hesitate to contact me. Mariana Ludmila Cortés: My understanding is that they have also created a few activities in sugar. Thank you Leonel Alex Perez: Mariana, how should we contact you? It seems like having a place to have group conversations between Sugar Labs Oversight Board and OLPC would be beneficial, to avoid creating silos of information/knowledge. Mariana Ludmila Cortés: mariana@laptop.org Alex Perez: ongoing conversations, that is Mariana Ludmila Cortés: +52 442 483 9836 just ping me.. telegram, signal or whatsapp I'm better in those that through email. callaurrea: I would love to have you again as you are building a journey for the future OLPC and also to get a better idea of the results of the X-ray Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I would love to be closer too, as you all might give tons of input to the new vision Alex Perez: which time zone do you reside in? Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Central time. Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I think it's a good thing you're back at OLPC callaurrea: I have to go.. great to "see" you again, Mariana Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I will try to be here at every meeting if it is fine with you. callaurrea: I have to go.. great to "see" you again, Mariana Mariana Ludmila Cortés: Same!!!!!!! Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Bye callaurrea: Alex Perez: Thanks, callaurrea Chihurumnaya Ibiam: Mariana Ludmila Cortés: I think it's a good thing you're back at OLPC Thank you!!!