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7 June 2020
17 May 2012
User:Almira Cayetano
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User:Almira Cayetano
Created page with "Almira C. Cayetano University of the Philippines, Diliman BS Computer Science"
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File:Yardstick - Figure 9.jpeg
Because the YardStick activity comes hand-in-hand with the ScorePad activity, the activity should be able to send the rubric to the ScorePad activity. To be able to do this, in the view page of a specific rubric, click on the export button. The rubric you
File:Yardstick - Figure 8.jpeg
Figure 8 shows the pop-up window after clicking the “Delete” button. To delete a specific rubric, click the name of the rubric on the “Rubrics List”. Then click on the “Delete” button. This will permanently remove the rubric on the database of
File:Yardstick - Figure 7.jpeg
Figure 7 shows how to add numerical weights in a rubric. At the left side, we can see the levels of the rubric. At each level, the user needs to assign specific points for that level. Then for each category, the user needs to add the percentage of that ca
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File:Yardstick - Figure 6.jpeg
Figure 5 shows how to enable points in the YardStick activity. This way, the user has the freedom to have a final numerical grade after the peer assessment.
File:Yardstick - Figure 5.jpeg
After clicking the “Edit” button from the view page in Figure 3, the activity will direct you to the page where you can edit the rubric. Looking at the lower part of Figure 4, the user has the option to assign numerical grades to each criterion. Check
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File:Yardstick - Figure 4.jpeg
The user can view a specific rubric by selecting a rubric through the “Rubrics List” in the left- hand side of the activity. Figure 3 shows the page of the “view rubric” functionality. From this page, the user can edit, delete or send the rubric t
File:Yardstick - Figure 3.jpeg
Figure 3 shows the page where the user needs to build the rubric. The activity will ask for a rubric name, rubric author, description, levels (in the columns) and categories (in the rows). The user also needs to describe each level in each category. This
File:Yardstick - Figure 2.jpeg
In adding a rubric, you need to press the “Add New Rubric” button at the lower left-hand side of the activity. The first step is to indicate the number of levels and categories. To do this, use the “spin box” provided in the page. Use the arrow po
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File:Yardstick - Figure 1.jpeg
Figure 1 User interface of the YardStick activity.
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Created page with "===The YardStick activity serves as a rubric-maker tool. This activity creates new rubric that can be used in the ScorePad activity (["
Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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A rubric cannot be deleted if it is still used by a project.
The rubrics used in the projects of ScorePad activity can be seen by selecting the 3rd icon at the lower left side of the page in Figure 7. These will list all of the pre-defined and rubrics imported to the ScorePad activity (sent by the YardStick activit
The same process is used to delete a project. Simply select the project on the project list and click on the delete button. The activity will ask the user if he/she is sure in deleting the project. After clicking on the yes button, it will permanently del
Activities/Scorepad Activity
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To view the grades of a project, simply use the grades button seen in Figure 1. A user cannot view another friend’s project.
In evaluating a project, simply select the project from the project list then select on the evaluate button(in Figure 1). After that, the page will redirect to the page in Figure 4. To evaluate a project, use the check boxes to check the that corresponds
Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
Activities/Scorepad Activity
Activities/Scorepad Activity
Activities/Scorepad Activity
Figure 3 shows the page when the edit button in the Figure 1 is clicked. To edit a project, simply double click the project in the project list then select the edit button. This will direct the page to Figure 3. The new information should be entered and s
Figure 2 shows the page when adding a project. To add a project, simply click the second icon (the folder with a plus sign) at the lower left-hand side of the screen. Then the details of the project should be entered. The rubric that is selected in a proj
Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
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Activities/Scorepad Activity
Created page with "The ScorePad activity functions as a tool for project assessment. These are the functionalities of the ScorePad activity: 1. Add project 2. Edit project 3. Delete roject 4. S..."
Figure1 shows the list of the project available in the ScorePad activity. The list is divided into two. The first list is the list of the projects owned by the user of the activity. The other list is the list of projects sent to him/her by other users. In