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<big><big><big>The leading Educational centred Operating System</big></big></big>

== Where do you want to install sugar? ==


Or scroll down to explore more on the various possibilities of Sugar OS !

Sugar can be installed on any device. You do not require to have a native OLPC sugar laptop, to install sugar.

== Linux ==
Sugar depends mostly on Open Source, GNU and Linux. Sugar supports Linux Operating Systems like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, etc. The Sugar On A Stick (SOAS) is built primarily based on Linux Kernels and Fedora Operating Systems. The installation methods on some of the most popular Linux distributions are given below

=== Fedora ===
''Fedora is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. --''

In relation to Sugar, Fedora is a downstream distribution project that can be used to run Sugar.
==== Using Sugar as a Desktop Environment ====
Install Fedora. Then, in a Terminal, type:

sudo dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop
Then restart your computer. At the Sign in select the Sugar desktop.

==== Using Sugar with another Desktop Environment ====
Select the GNOME on Xorg or GNOME Classic desktop, then in a Terminal, type:

sudo dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop
sudo dnf install sugar-runner

Sugar will start. Logout from Sugar to return to the desktop environment you were previously using.

Sugar is also available from Activities search in GNOME.

=== Ubuntu ===
''Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, with Gnome as its default desktop environment. --
In relation to Sugar, Ubuntu is a downstream distribution project that can be used to run Sugar.
==== Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) ====
Sugar 0.112 can be installed with the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sucrose
log out,
log in with the Sugar desktop selected. For detailed instruction steps, or issues faced during installation on Ubuntu 19.10, proceed [ here]

==== Ubuntu 19.04, 18.04, 18.10 ====
Sugar 0.112 is in the universe repository, and can be installed with the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sucrose
log out,
log in with the Sugar desktop selected, for Home View on 18.* use F3 key. For more informatiom, click [ here.]

=== Debian ===
''Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. --
In relation to Sugar, Debian is a downstream distribution project that can be used to run Sugar.

==== Using Sugar 0.112 on Debian =====
Sugar 0.112 will be available in Debian Buster.

==== Using Sugar 0.110 on Debian ====
Sugar 0.110 is available in Debian Stretch:

Install Debian Stretch in the usual way, see [[]], and debian-installer,
when asked mid-way through install what to include, deselect all,
when the install has completed, log in, install Sugar, a display manager, and reboot,
sudo apt install sucrose lightdm
exec sudo reboot
in the graphical login screen, change from the default X session to Sugar,
log in as your non-root user, created during install.

== Windows ==
As Sugar OS is primarily based on Linux, it is not currently possible to run sugar natively on Windows. However, sugar includes support for Windows system in the following ways:
* Use a Virtual Machine to run Sugar OS seamlessly. See [[VirtualBox|Sugar VM WikiPage]]
* Use alternative ~ sugarizer, on [[Sugarizer|sugarizer wiki]]
