
Created page with "SLOBS 6/24/2020 Present: Ibiam, Devin, Alex, and Lionel Minutes taken by Devin James and Ibiam’s Contract Report Because James is still in recovery, they have not yet had a..."
Present: Ibiam, Devin, Alex, and Lionel
Minutes taken by Devin

James and Ibiam’s Contract Report
Because James is still in recovery, they have not yet had a chance to start yet. James plans to return on 29th.
Caryl (1023 Job) – check-in
Emailed on 5/30 and 6/9. Yet to hear back. Just followed up today. and
Hope that Caryl can be the one to facilitate/coordinate communication between OLPC and Devin.
(not present; no report)
SFC Liason
Devin: Nothing to report.
GSoC updates

Reminder: GSoC mentors need to do their first evaluation starting next week.
Devin shows Temperament enhancements
Lionel shows the awards and curriculum tools for Sugarizer
Ibiam discusses his projects