
Created page with "== Meeting Minutes == Date: 2021-01-13 === Role Call === Jui Perrie Lionel Walter Manish Samson === Report from project representative (Conservancy liaison) === (Claudia v..."
== Meeting Minutes ==

Date: 2021-01-13

=== Role Call ===


=== Report from project representative (Conservancy liaison) ===
(Claudia via email confirmed that she has let the SFC know that she is the new liaison.)

=== Report from Ombudsman ===
(Pattie -- no updates)

=== Finance Report ===
Current Assets: US$ 13,304.26

2020 Expenses: US$ 14,795.74
* Banking fees: US$ 58.00
* Contractors: US$ 4,447.56
** Ibiam's contract for maintaining activities ($911)
** GSoC mentors (Lionel, Michael, Devon, Ashish, Raul)
* Insurance: US$ 725.00
* Accounting: US$ 1600.00
* Legal: US$ 7,540.00
** Incorporation, By Laws
** 1023 Application
* Taxes: US$ 216.00
* Website: US$ 209.18

2020 Income: US$ 28,100.00
* Donations: US$ 100.00
* Google (GCI, GSoC): US$ 8,000.00


Report from Ibiam about his contract to manage activities.

=== Google Summer of Code ===
Walter: Motion: Sugar Labs participate 2021 Google Summer of Code
Lionel (seconds the motion)
Jui +1
Perrie +1

Jui, Perrie, and Lionel agreed to be the admins.

Walter will pass last year's application material

Sugar, Sugarizer, Music Blocks

=== Google Code-in Replacement Report ===
Discussion schedule for January 13

=== Sugar Labs Monthly Events Discussion ===

=== Communication Channels: Discord Discussion ===

Perrie, Jui, Samson sang the praises of discord.

Samson to work with Alex to work on setting up a Sugar Labs chat bot for discord.

Samson and Alex will sync our content with git book.

Unanimity re giving it a try.

=== Time and Place of Next Meeting ===
20 Jan in JITSI

03 Feb on discord

=== Closing ===