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====Implicit Versioning System====
====Implicit Versioning System====
Automatic, incremental saves...
Viewing revision history...
As mentioned before, the laptops automatically save, or "keep", Objects in the Journal at regular intervals.  This eliminates the need for the children to constantly worry about saving, and reduces the chances that an unexpected circumstance will cause data loss.  These individual keep events are incremental, meaning that the changes within the file are kept in a nondestructive manner.  Therefore, the Journal not only stores Objects as children create them, but also keeps track of the revision history for each one. This allows the Journal to function as a versioned filesystem.
The space limitations on the laptop cause some concern with the mention of revision history.  However, the differences between revisions will often be small.  Additionally, Objects with large revision histories provide one easy way for the journal to regain valuable space when memory becomes tight, since it can collapse the history, storing only every few automatic revisions in addition to those explicitly kept by the child.
====Automatic Backup and Restore====
====Automatic Backup and Restore====
