
added information on native libraries
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Activity bundles should be packaged as zip files with the ".xo" extension. The mime type in the journal is "application/vnd.olpc-sugar".
Activity bundles should be packaged as zip files with the ".xo" extension. The mime type in the journal is "application/vnd.olpc-sugar".
== Bundling Native Libraries ==
Sometimes you need to include a native library or two with your activity.  A good strategy, the one that [[Develop]] and [[Model]] use, is to specify a shell script for the executable in the .info file:
exec = ./
The script, '', modifies the library path, python, or both paths (depending on the types of libraries you are including) to point to folders inside your bundle, then launches your application:
sugar-activity model_app.ModelActivity
Make sure to add your shell script and any native libraries to the MANIFEST before you package your bundle.
== Other Technologies Comparison ==
== Other Technologies Comparison ==
