
add Debian-specific Jhbuild instructions
== Supported versions ==
Currently only unstable (sid) is supported. Squeeze (current testing) will be supported once [ python-gobject] >= 2.16 enters testing.

== Prerequites ==
In order to install sugar-jhbuild, you need git-core and svn.

== Installing dependencies ==
After installing and updating sugar-jhbuild according to the [[../|common instructions]], you can use this invocation to install all dependencies automatically:

./sugar-jhbuild depscheck -s | sudo xargs aptitude -y install

== Fixing RPATH ==
To work around a bug in the Gnome Python bindings, you need to issue the following commands after installing all dependencies:

sudo aptitude install chrpath
find /usr/lib/python-support/python-gnome2/python2.5/gtk-2.0 -name "*.so" | sudo xargs chrpath -d
