
Joined 19 March 2009
562 bytes added ,  05:38, 20 March 2009
New page: == About Me == I am Assim Deodia, an IT student from [| NSIT]. I am involved with OLPC with number of projects. == Google Summer of Code 2008 == I have successfully ...
== About Me ==

I am Assim Deodia, an IT student from [| NSIT]. I am involved with OLPC with number of projects.

== Google Summer of Code 2008 ==

I have successfully completed GSoC 2008 with OLPC under mentor ship of Dafydd Harris. As a part of GSoC i have developed [[Listen_Spell| Listen Spell]] activity. You can get full details, code etc on its wiki page.

== Google Summer of Code 2009 ==

I am participating as mentor for speech syntheses related activities.

== RSA public key ==

[ Public Key ]
