:In the No XO case, there will be a send-for-printing page( a moodle plugin) which allows the user to send his request to the datastore in the school server. On a successful send the user's page will display him the details of his job, whether in queue for printing and waiting for approval from the teacher or done printing or disapproved for printing along with an optional reason why, he can also cancel his request from the page. There will be a quota of maximum 3 live jobs per student. | :In the No XO case, there will be a send-for-printing page( a moodle plugin) which allows the user to send his request to the datastore in the school server. On a successful send the user's page will display him the details of his job, whether in queue for printing and waiting for approval from the teacher or done printing or disapproved for printing along with an optional reason why, he can also cancel his request from the page. There will be a quota of maximum 3 live jobs per student. |