
1,529 bytes added ,  11:46, 1 April 2009
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*  '''Both of these use espeak. Listen and Spell uses the speechd. But when I discussed it with alsroot on IRC, he told me that using a speechd is a bad idea because it has become a system daemon and requires root privileges to work. Therefore using gstreamer plugin is the only and best idea.
*  '''Both of these use espeak. Listen and Spell uses the speechd. But when I discussed it with alsroot on IRC, he told me that using a speechd is a bad idea because it has become a system daemon and requires root privileges to work. Therefore using gstreamer plugin is the only and best idea.
*  '''Then a command line tool that will be operated by a button or Keyboard shortcut to speak the selected text.
*  '''Then comes the GUI for the configuration management tool of the speech. It will configure the sound qualities like volume, language, accent, pitch etc.
*  '''For the GUI pyGtk can be used.
*  '''For the GUI pyGtk can be used.
*  '''Now to implement speech in sugar core my idea is to use clipboard module which takes care of copy paste in sugar. So using this module the entire selected text can be sent to the speech framework that it can speak out.
*  '''Now to get the user selected text my idea is to use clipboard module which takes care of copy paste. So using this module the entire selected text can be sent to the speech framework that it can speak out.
*  '''For the keyboard speaker, we can simply store the keystrokes in a file and then send the file to the speech generator.
*  '''For the keyboard speaker, we can simply store the keystrokes in a file and then send the file to the speech generator.
*  '''The basic idea is to provide a read button in core sugar (like a home button) which is always there. So that if a user selects any of the text in the current window and presses the button it gets speak out.
*  '''A small code snippet which I have prepared for demonstration purpose is shown below. You can copy paste this and try it. First select some text and then run the code trough terminal. The code will speak the text. This is a very basic thing which we want to achieve in sugar'''
*  '''A small code snippet which I have prepared for demonstration purpose is shown below. You can copy paste this and try it. First select some text and then run the code trough terminal. The code will speak the text. This is a very basic thing which we want to achieve in sugar'''
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:  '''You can select the text anywhere in the sugar. Be sure to first install the espeak. Although I have created this code using espeak but in future I will be using gstreamer plugin.
:  '''You can select the text anywhere in the sugar. Although I have created this code using espeak directly but in future I will be using gstreamer plugin.
Q.10:  '''What is the timeline for development of your project? The Summer of Code work period is 7 weeks long, May 23 - August 10; tell us what you will be working on each week. (As the summer goes on, you and your mentor will adjust your schedule, but it's good to have a plan at the beginning so you have an idea of where you're headed.) Note that you should probably plan to have something "working and 90% done" by the midterm evaluation (July 6-13); the last steps always take longer than you think, and we will consider cancelling projects which are not mostly working by then.
Q.10:  '''What is the timeline for development of your project? The Summer of Code work period is 7 weeks long, May 23 - August 10; tell us what you will be working on each week. (As the summer goes on, you and your mentor will adjust your schedule, but it's good to have a plan at the beginning so you have an idea of where you're headed.) Note that you should probably plan to have something "working and 90% done" by the midterm evaluation (July 6-13); the last steps always take longer than you think, and we will consider cancelling projects which are not mostly working by then.
A:  [TODO]
A:  '''April 21-March 22
:    During this period I will remain in constant touch with my mentor and sugar community. I will remain active on IRC and mailing list to discuss the design details and further improvements that can be incorporated in this project.
:    I will also study a relatively new things called STARDICT and ORCA. These can be very useful for sugar.
:    Up to this time I will become absolutely clear on my further approach. But now I am providing a rough plan.
:    '''May 24 - June 5
*    Will work on implementing the command line interface of the framework.
*    Will complete the basic architecture in which user can select and listen the text from command line interface.
*    Will discuss the UI design for configuration manager on IRC. 
:    '''June 6- June 15
*    Will work on implementing the keyboard reader. (Command line)
*    Will design the finalized GUI of the configuration manager.
*    Will release the snapshots of the GUI on wiki page.
:    '''June 16 - June 25
*    Will implement the configuration manger.
*    Will link the various options I already described in the GUI.
:    '''June 18 - June 25
*    Will release the basic configuration manager.
:    '''June 26- July 7
*    Will implement the keyboard speaker.
*    Work on the implementation of the icon reader.
:    '''July 8-July12
*    Will finalize an alpha release of the framwork.
:    '''July 13
*    Mid term evaluation. Will release the alpha version.
:    '''July 14 - July 23
*    Will test it on XO.
*    Ask for bugs and further improvements.
:    '''July 24 - August 3
*    Will port the framework on windows.
:    '''August 4 - August 13
*    Ask for feedback
*    Preparation for the beta version release.
:    '''August 14 - August 22
*    Will release the beta version
:    '''August 23 onwards
*    I will continue working on this to make it available in official sugar distros.
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Q.11:  '''Convince us, in 5-15 sentences, that you will be able to successfully complete your project in the timeline you have described. This is usually where people describe their past experiences, credentials, prior projects, schoolwork, and that sort of thing, but be creative. Link to prior work or other resources as relevant.
Q.11:  '''Convince us, in 5-15 sentences, that you will be able to successfully complete your project in the timeline you have described. This is usually where people describe their past experiences, credentials, prior projects, schoolwork, and that sort of thing, but be creative. Link to prior work or other resources as relevant.
A:  I am currently pursuing my B.E. in Computer science from Netaji Subash Institute of Technology, New Delhi. A lot of students from this college have been associated with OLPC for development work. Like:
A:  I am currently pursuing my B.E. in Computer science from Netaji Subash Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
*  '''Food Force which is still in its developing phase. My seniors are working hard to achieve collaboration in Food Force.
:  I have already described some of my past achievements like AI challenge whose simulator code I prepared just in a time span of 15 days.
*  '''Listen and Spell. This project was started by my senior Assim at GSoC 2008 and he is still working on it to remove speech dispatcher dependencies from it.
:  Link:
*  '''Speech dispatcher. This project was handled by my senior Hemant at GSoC 2008.
:  So by giving these examples what I am trying to say is that I have got many helping seniors, who have a lot of experience and who are ready to help me in every possible way they can.
In school also I prepared a lot of small projects in C++ like digital diary, Sudoku solver, library manager, telephone directory etc.
:  I have already described some of my past achievements like AI challenge whose simulator code I prepared just in a time span of 15 days. In school also I prepared a lot of small projects in C++ like digital diary, Sudoku solver, library manager, telephone directory etc.
:  Another reason that I can easily complete the project is that I will be getting almost 3 months break during my summer vacations right from the end of May to August. Therefore I can concentrate entirely on this project with all my energies.
:  Another reason that I can easily complete the project is that I will be getting almost 3 months break during my summer vacations right from the end of May to August. Therefore I can concentrate entirely on this project with all my energies.
:  A lot of students from my college have been associated with OLPC for development work. Like:
*  '''Food Force which is still in its developing phase. We are working hard to achieve collaboration in Food Force.
*  '''Listen and Spell. This project was started at GSoC 2008 and is still in progress to remove speech dispatcher dependencies from it.
*  '''Speech dispatcher. This project was completed by my senior at GSoC 2008.
:  So by giving these examples what I am trying to say is that I have got many helping seniors, who have a lot of experience and who are ready to help me in every possible way they can. So I can get a lot of guidance and ready help in any case. My chances of stucking at any point are very low.
====You and the community====
====You and the community====