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==Question Support API==
===Data Model===
== Active Projects ==
A potential data model: (It was built for a corporate medical department's medical records. I've already renamed Clinic and Provider to School and Teacher.)
Authorship and history attributes for Questions could be provided through a new Person ID field in Questionnaire and recursive links.
====Table Dictionary====
|Questionnaire |A collection of questions that might be used in a Survey, Quiz, Exam, etc.
|Question | A problem seeking an answer
|Answer | A potential solution to the problem
|AnswerType | The class of answer suitable for the problem or question
|Survey | An event instance of collecting Answers to Questions or problems
|Response | An event instance of the Student providing an answer to a question on a Survey or Quiz, etc
|School | An organization
|Person | An individual, such as a Teacher, Student, etc.
====Questionnaire Field Dictionary====
|ID | primary key
|Questionnaire | Title of questionnaire
|Category | Classifier ID, the ID of a Questionnaire class or category of Questionnaire
|Notes | Description, Image link, rich format data
|StartDate | Effective date for this instance of the Questionnaire
|EndDate | Expiry date of this instance
====Question Field Dictionary====
=== [[Image:PyCut_logo.png|24px]] [[Activities/PyCut|PyCut]] ===
|ID | primary key
|Questionnaire | ID of parent questionnaire
|Sequence | number to order question among questions on questionnaire
|Question | text problem statement
|AnswerType | ID of the suitable answer type
|Jump | conditional number to redirect survey question sequence
|Notes | Description, images, rich format data
|StartDate | Effective date of this question instance
|EndDate | Expiry date of this instance
====Answer Field Dictionary====
|ID | primary key
|Question_ID| ID of parent question
|Sequence | number to order answer among answer choices for question
|Answer | text of solution or answer
|Notes | Description, images, rich format data
|StartDate | Effective date of this answer instance
|EndDate | Expiry date of this instance
====AnswerType Field Dictionary====
|ID | primary key
|AnswerType | text for the class of answer. Example, text, numeric, multiple choice, tabular, yes/no, etc.
|Category | ID for class of answer type
====Survey Field Dictionary====
|ID | primary key
|BaseID | ID of parent Survey. Used to identify families of Surveys, such as version
|School | ID of the School or organization sponsoring this Survey instance
|Teacher | ID of Person extending this instance of the survey or quiz
|Student | ID of the Person taking this instance of the survey or quiz
|Notes | Description, images, rich format data for this instance of the survey or quiz
|DateTime | DateTime that this Survey instance was taken
|ReviewDate | Date that this Survey instance was reviewed by the Teacher
|ChangeDate | Date that this instance of the Survey was changed (reasons are provided in the Response record).
====Response Field Dictionary====
|ID | primary key
|Answer_ID | ID of selected answer (when one of a choice)
|Question_ID| ID of the Question instance for this Response instance
|Survey_ID | ID of the parent Survey or Quiz instance for this Response
|Response| text of Response
|ResponseValue| numerical Response
|Notes | Description, images, rich format data for this Response
|ChangeDate | DateTime that this instance of the Survey was changed, ''i.e.,'' initial response, update by Student, override by Teacher, etc.
|ChangePerson | ID of Person who changed this Response instance, ''i.e.,'' Student, Teacher
|ChangeReason | text reason this Response instance was changed, ''i.e.,'' initial response, update by Student, override reason
====School Field Dictionary====
=== [[Image:Fractionator_logo.png|24px]] [[Activities/Fractionator|Fractionator]] ===
|ID | primary key
|School | School or organizational name
== Published / Complete Projects ==
====Person Field Dictionary====
=== [[AngleGators]] ===
|ID | primary key
=== [[Image:blocku.png|75px]]  [[Blocku|Blocku]] ===
|Last Name | Family name for Person
|First Name | Primary name for Person
===[[Activities/FileShare|FileShare]] ===
=== [[Fractionauts| Fractionauts]] ===
=== [[Image:Lemon_Icon.svg|24px]] [[Lemonade Stand]] ===
=== [[Activities/MathHurdler|Math Hurdler]] ===
===[[Math_island|Math Island]]===
=== [[Fortune_Hunter| Mathematical Adventure: Fortune Hunter]] ===
=== [[Planetary|Planetary]] ===
=== [[Quilt]] ===
=== [[Sash]] ===
=== [[Activities/SugarSnake|SugarSnake]] ===
== Inactive Projects ==
=== [[Addboard| Addboard]] ===
=== [[Flash Card Game - Assimilate|Assimilate]] ===
=== [[Colour_The_Part|Colour The Part]] ===
=== [[Ethos| Ethos]] ===
=== [[Math4Team/RIT/Projects/Fun Towers|Fun Towers]] ===
=== [[GeoMunchers]] ===
=== [[]] ===
=== [[Math4Team/RIT/Projects/Math_Maze|Math Maze]] ===
=== [[MiniGameMayhem]] ===
=== [[Math4Team/RIT/Projects/Muthris|Muthris]] ===
=== [[File:SunGuy.png|35px]] [[MyWeatherStation]] ===
=== [[Activities/NumberMunchersXO|Number Munchers XO]] ===
=== [[Image:Pacmath-logo.png|75px]] [[PacMath|PacMath]] ===
=== [[Point-and-Click-Arthur]] ===
=== [[Pop_Quiz]] ===
=== [[Produce Puzzle]] ===
=== [[PyCaveExplorer]] ===
===[[Python_Math|Python Math]]===
=== [[Math4Team/RIT/Projects/Question_Support_API|Question Support API]] ===
=== [[School Server/RIT|]] ===
The XO school Server, or XS, is one of the products of the OLPC project, designed to complement the XO laptop. It is a Linux-based OS (a Fedora-based distribution) engineered to be installed on generic low-end servers.
When we deploy one laptop per child, we must also provide additional infrastructure extending the capabilities of the laptops. While the laptops are self-sufficient for many learning activities, other activities and services depend on the School Server providing connectivity, shared resources and services. Services, tools and activities running on the School Server allow asynchronous interaction, can use larger storage capacity, and take advantage of the processing power of the XS.
=== [[Teacher Reporting]] ===
{{:Teacher Reporting/status}}
=== [[Teacher's Tools]] ===
==[[Math4Team/RIT/Tips & Tricks|Tips & Tricks]]==
==[[Math4Team/RIT/Complaints & Problems|Complaints & Problems]]==
