
Joined 7 May 2008
5,237 bytes added ,  02:46, 15 May 2008
New page: Mel Chua, UTC -5 == Bugmastering, round 1 == Attempts from May 14, 2008. I've refrained from actually doing anything in Trac this time because I want to see if my comments are on-track h...
Mel Chua, UTC -5

== Bugmastering, round 1 ==

Attempts from May 14, 2008. I've refrained from actually doing anything in Trac this time because I want to see if my comments are on-track here.

I did not thoroughly weed for duplicates, but suspect there might be dupes in tickets involving USB keys, mimetypes, or Activity icons, as well as discussions for simpler implementations/interfaces for Tubes and other collaborative APIs.

=== Questions ===

* Who is doing Sugar development?
* What are the priorities for Sugar development?
* What is the goal for this upcoming milestones?
* What are the big annoyances/obstacles to making the above happen?
* Do we have a sense of what makes a good Sugar bug report? (What does?)
* Some assigned bug reports are written in an opaque (to outsiders) shorthand that may make sense for the developer involved, but could forestall anyone else from being able to pop into and contribute towards.
* Do we have a team of verification volunteers? (Should they be recruited?)
* Do we want to make it easier to cross-reference bugs with each other by using something like the [ TracBacks plugin]? (Full disclosure: I wrote this.) Also potentially helpful if there will be a separate Sugar Trac: [ the TrashTalk plugin], which does external trackbacks to tickets (useful for monitoring upstream/downstream trac instances, for instance).
* Do we have a "trac" component on trac (to report something's broken, to request plugins, etc)? Should we?
* Do we have a good way for newcomers to get set up for testing so they can help verify all the unverified tickets and write better bug reports?
* What is [ a snowflake]?

=== Notes ===

* A lot of bugs need to be verified. Nearly all of them need to be verified, in fact.
* Please please please cross-reference tickets in Trac. When a comment on a ticket refers to "that other ticket where Foobar happened," nobody else knows what "Foobar" was!
* I read all the tickets, but the report below doesn't summarize them all; it points out the ones I think may be in need of a spotlighting.

=== High priority ===

* [ #4100] - '''School server component needed to provide human readable index of journal backup.''' This has been on the to-do list for 7 months. There is a [ spec] for this, and implementation is nearly done except for one bit. This was formerly supposed to be done by Ivan, but Martin has taken over. The bug report text should change to make this clearer.

=== Normal priority ===

* [ #2244] - '''Battery rollover palette inaccurate''' - This hasn't been touched for 8 months; it appears to have been harder than expected to get battery charge/discharge data. This would be a good thing for someone to pick up in conjunction with making the [ Power Activity], after verifying that it's still outstanding. [ #4208] appears to be a duplicate; if so, please close one of these and note that on the other. [ #5867] should be checked afterwards as it may be potentially related.
* [ #4464] requests documentation to be written for mime-type definition for Activities; this is already implemented (see [ #2453]. Also see [ #6145], which is one result of mime handling done not-quite-right (and a great argument for better documentation so people will do it correctly!) [ #4001] may also be mime-type related.

=== Probably fixed, needs verification ===

If you can, please verify and close these bugs (then mark them as verified on the list, possibly by <s>striking out</s> the text.)

* [ #2616] - '''Shutdown doesn't stop running activities (so if you're in mesh view, they still look like they're active).''' - This needs to be verified and marked appropriately asap, as the new protocol may have fixed the problem.
* [ #2908] - '''Mesh view fails to connect to access point''' - this is one particular access point, and the problem appears to be fixed, so if someone can verify the fix and close it, that'd rock.
* [ #3087] - '''Rollover scrubbing leaves "trails"''' - this may be fixed; it needs verification.
* [ #5577] - '''green not listed as valid color in sugar-control-panel''' has a simple patch, someone should check if the patch got included and take appropriate action (close the ticket if yes, ask how to get it included if no).

=== Fun to read ===

* [ #5629] - '''Add a disable screencorners option in Sugar-control-panel''' - fun design discussion on the UI for hot corners. Also interesting: [ #3936], which discusses hotcorners not working in Browse sometimes, and [ #4429] which discusses the frame-on-hotcorner behavior being slow.
