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==What's new==

This page is updated each week (usually on Monday morning) with notes from the Sugar Labs community. (The digest is also sent to the community-news at list and blogged at [].) If you would like to contribute, please send email to [[User:walter|walter]] at by the weekend. (Also visit <span class="plainlinks">[].</span>)

===Sugar Digest ===

1. I'm back from an exhilarating weekend in Paris, where we celebrated the one-year anniversary of the founding of Sugar Labs: Saturday was the OLPC France meeting at La Cantine and Sunday was Sugar Camp at La Ruche—both venues a short walk from my cousin's flat near République.

The OLPC France meeting, attended by about 50 people, gave us a chance to network with some old friends and colleagues and build some new connections that will further enhance the Sugar community. For example, Tomeu Vizoso, Bernie Innocenti, and I had a chance to spend time with Bruno Coudoin; we discussed various ways we can improve upon the GCompris integration into Sugar. It was also great to finally meet in person Sugar contributors such as Gary Martin, Sache Silbe, David Van Assche, and Marten Vijn. It was also great that Marco Presenti Gritti was able to attend. The day was broken up into a number of parallel workshops, with a overall focus on deployment needs. Many of us never left the coffee bar, where there was continuous conversation. Kudos to Bastien Guerry and Lionel Laske for organizing a great day at a great venue and bringing together such interesting people.

About one half of the Saturday attendees came to Sugar Camp on Sunday. Sean Daly organized the day; he provided his flat for an urban camping experience for the attendees and found a great venue overlooking the canal on Quai de Jemmapes. We didn't have preset agenda topics, rather we spend the first hour using SCAMPER to expand our thinking about potential discussion topics (See [[Sugar_Labs/Current_Events/Archive/2009-05-11]]). From the four topics I had listed as a seed to the discussion, we generated almost 50 ideas. We then used a variant of PPCo to define four topics for the day, which we labeled: Sugar Roadmap, Packaging Sugar, Marketing Roadmap, and the School Experience. Within each group, we iterated upon the process to generate working groups that would be tasked with coming up with tasks and deliverables. (I'll be posting the meeting notes as soon as the group secretaries send them my way.)

There have been several postings regarding Sugar Camp from the perspectives of the various attendees, e.g., [ David Farning's] and [ Sean's] posts. There was very positive feedback regarding the creativity process—we stretched ourselves and enriched the discussion as a result. And of course, it was great to spend time together. The downside was that we were not at all successful in engaging the on-line community in the process—in part due to technical difficulties (a flaky network) and in part by not have a good sense of how to do it. This is something we should work on in advance of the next gathering, which will likely be at LinuxTag in Berlin. Another downside was that we really could have used another day or two to go into more depth on some topics, particularly technical themes. A codefest as a follow-up to the weekend would have been ideal.

(There are photos from both days [ here] and [ here] and [ here].)

2. Tomeu, Marco, Bastian, and I formed one of the afternoon working groups. Our goal was to come up with some concrete suggestions regarding telling the Sugar story. We decided to start off with something pretty basic: the generation of more screencasts of Sugar from a wide variety of viewpoints, e.g., developers, teachers, students, etc. Both Chris Ball and the MediaMods team had written [ screencast activities] that would merit some TLC. Meanwhile, Bastian helped me get xvidcap running on my machine (an HP laptop running Ubuntu Jaunty) so that I could make videos from sugar_jhbuild:

sudo apt-get install xvidcap

You can run xvidcap from within Sugar itself from the Terminal activity or, perhaps easier in the context of sugar_jhbuild, run it in parallel with Sugar.

I made [ a test video] of the xo-color activity and posted the results to with tags such as "Sugar" and "activity". I plan on creating a wide range of videos, showing everything from running activities to installing them to debugging them. Let's try to flood Dailymotion with great Sugar stories. (BTW, Dailymotion will automatically convert videos to OGG so that they will run within Sugar without the need for proprietary codecs.) Sebastien Adgnot has already set up [ an OLPC channel] and will make a Sugar channel available as well.

===Help Wanted===

3. We need your Sugar stories.

===In the community===

4. The next [ Ceibal Jam] in Uruguay will be in two weeks (30 May and 6 June at the University of Montevideo). Programmers are invited, but also designers, educators, artists, and anyone who wants work in the design, content, programming and testing of new activities or the improvement of existing activities. Who is coming from Sugar Labs?

===Tech Talk===

5. Chris Ball announced on behalf of OLPC that they have decided to base the software release for the new XO-1.5 laptop on Fedora 11. They plan to use a full Fedora desktop build, booting into Sugar but giving users the option to switch into a standard GNOME install instead. (The new machines will have 1GB of RAM and 4GB of flash, so we have enough room for both environments at once.)

6. Chris also announced that Build 8.2.1-802 will be the final 8.2.1 Release for the OLPC XO-1 hardware (See [ Release notes] and [ Instructions for upgrading to the 8.2.1 Release]).

7. James Simmons has offered some good advice regarding [ "Creating Your First Sugar Activity."]

===Sugar Labs ===

8. Gary Martin has generated a SOM from the past week of discussion on the IAEP mailing list (Please see [[:Image:2009-May-som-9-15.jpg]]).

=== Community News archive ===

An '''[[Sugar Labs/Current Events/Archive|archive]]''' of this digest is available.


<span class="plainlinks">The Sugar Labs [ Planet] is found [ here].</span>

==Sugar in the news==
|align=right valign=top|29&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''El Mercurio''' &ndash; [ Así se vivió la fiesta del software libre]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''ostatic''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a Stick: Good for Kids' Minds (and School Budgets)]
|align=right valign=top|25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''Free Software Magazine''' &ndash; [ The Bittersweet Facts about OLPC and Sugar]
|align=right valign=top|24&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ First taste: Sugar on a Stick learning platform]
|align=right valign=top|22&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''Betanews''' &ndash; [ Beta of Live USB Sugar OS opens]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Mass High Tech''' &ndash; [ Google promotes summer open-source internships]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Metropolis''' &ndash; [ A Good Argument]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Laptop Magazine''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs’ New Version of Sugar Learning Platform Is Netbook and PC Ready]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Market Watch''' &ndash; [{EF4B8934-0046-465F-AD4D-E82FBCE8F1EC}&dist=msr_7 Sugar Labs Nonprofit Announces New Version of Sugar Learning Platform for Children, Runs on Netbooks and PCs]
|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC Learning Club – DC''' &ndash; [ Learning Learning on a Stick]
|align=right valign=top|05&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2009||'''xconomy''' &ndash; [ Sugar Beyond the XO Laptop: Walter Bender on OLPC, Sucrose 0.84, and “Sugar on a Stick”]
|align=right valign=top|26&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Linus Magazine''' &ndash; [ Sugar Defies OLPC Cutbacks]
|align=right valign=top|19&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Feeding the Penguins''' &ndash; [ The status of Sugar, post-OLPC]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Sugar on Acer Aspire One & Thin Client via LTSP]
|align=right valign=top|12&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ thoughts about olpc cutbacks]
|align=right valign=top|07&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ OLPC downsizes half of its staff, cuts Sugar development]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ An Inside Look at how Microsoft got XP on the XO]
|align=right valign=top|30&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs Status at Six Months]
|align=right valign=top|22&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''The GNOME Project''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs, the nonprofit behind the OLPC software, is joining the GNOME Foundation]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''Feeding the Penguins''' &ndash; [ Sugar git repository change]
|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''NPR''' &ndash; [ Laptop Deal Links Rural Peru To Opportunity, Risk (Part 2)]
|align=right valign=top|13&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''NPR''' &ndash; [ Laptops May Change The Way Rural Peru Learns (Part 1)]
|align=right valign=top|09&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''SFC''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs joins Conservancy]
|align=right valign=top|31&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2008||'''Linux Devices''' &ndash; [ An OLPC dilemma: Linux or Windows?]
|align=right valign=top|10&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2008||'''Feeding the Penguin''' &ndash; [ Sugar on Ubuntu]
|align=right valign=top|21&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008||'''Groklaw''' &ndash; [ Interview with Walter Bender of Sugar Labs]
|align=right valign=top|17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008||'''Open Source''' &ndash; [ Sugar everywhere]
|align=right valign=top|28&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ An answer to Walter Bender's question 22]
|align=right valign=top|20&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Sugarize it: Intel Classmate 2]
|align=right valign=top|08&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''Investor's Business Daily''' &ndash; [ 'Learning' Vs. Laptop Was Issue]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Twenty-three Questions on Technology and Education]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ evaluating Sugar in the developed world]
|align=right valign=top|28&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ A Cutting Edge Sugar User Interface Demo]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''PC World''' &ndash; [ OLPC Spin-off Developing UI for Intel's Classmate PC]
|align=right valign=top|17&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Datamation''' &ndash; [ If Business Succeeds with GNU/Linux, Why Not OLPC?]
|align=right valign=top|11&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''LinuxInsider''' &ndash; [ The Sweetness of Collaborative Learning]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ untangling Free, Sugar, and Constructionism]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Open Education''' &ndash; [ Walter Bender Discusses Sugar Labs Foundation]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''BusinessWeek''' &ndash; [ OLPC: The Educational Philosophy Controversy]
|align=right valign=top|05&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Code Culture''' &ndash; [ The Distraction Machine]
|align=right valign=top|05&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''BusinessWeek''' &ndash; [ OLPC: The Open-Source Controversy]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''The New York Times''' &ndash; [ Why Walter Bender Left One Laptop Per Child]
|align=right valign=top|26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ OLPC software maker splits from X0 hardware, goes solo]
|align=right valign=top|22&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''BetaNews''' &ndash; [ Linux start-up Sugar Labs in informal talks with four laptop makers]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''OSTATIC''' &ndash; [ OLPC's Open Source Sugar Platform Aims for New Hardware]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''PCWorld''' &ndash; [ Bender Forms Group to Promote OLPC's Sugar UI]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''MHT''' &ndash; [ Bender jumps from OLPC, founds Sugar Labs]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs will make OLPC interface available for Eee PC, others]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Feeding the Peguins''' &ndash; [ The future of Sugar]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Sugar list''' &ndash; [ A few thoughts on SugarLabs]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''xconomy''' &ndash; [ Bender Creates Sugar Labs—New Foundation to Adapt OLPC’s Laptop Interface for Other Machines]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''BBC''' &ndash; [ '$100 laptop' platform moves on]
|align=right valign=top|15&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC wiki''' &ndash; [ Dual-boot XO] Claim: OLPC will not work to port Sugar to Windows.
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Softpedia''' &ndash; [ Bender Launches Sugar Labs for Better Development of OLPC's Sugar UI]

==Press releases==
[ See our Press Page]

[[Category:General public]]
