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3. Jeff Elkner has gotten Sugar Labs DC off to a great start this summer: he has launched an intern program modeled after Google Summer of Code. Pairing students and developers is a great opportunity for learning and a great way to grow the community.
3. Jeff Elkner has gotten Sugar Labs DC off to a great start this summer: he has launched an intern program modeled after Google Summer of Code. Pairing students and developers is a great opportunity for learning and a great way to grow the community.
4. Aleksey Lim has uploaded Bruno Coudoin's award-winning GCompris activities to The inclusion of these 100+ activities doubles the number of actvities available for download from our download site.
4. Aleksey Lim has uploaded Bruno Coudoin's award-winning GCompris activities to The inclusion of these 100+ activities doubles the number of activities available for download from our download site.
5. Some wonderful guides to using Sugar activities has been made available online by the Ministry of Education in Peru. Even if you don't speal Spanish, it is worth looking at the material available at
5. Some wonderful guides to using Sugar activities has been made available online by the Ministry of Education in Peru. Even if you don't speal Spanish, it is worth looking at the material available at