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1. Now that the Sugar community and the Release Team have wrapped up 0.84, it is time to talk about our “Big Overarching Vision Goals for 2009” I've written some notes in order to kick off the discussion.  
1. Now that the Sugar community and the Release Team have wrapped up 0.84, it is time to talk about our “Big Overarching Vision Goals for 2009” I've written some notes in order to kick off the discussion.  
'''What are our objectives?'''
==== What are our objectives? ====
In an era of ''limited resources'' there is still pressure to equate 21st Century skills with learning to use Microsoft Office™; it is more important than ever to promote the use of free software that encourages learners to acquire critical-thinking skills, and to further the development of diverse communities of development and support around the needs of teachers and learnings. Children are not office workers and nothing in their future will resemble office work from 30-years ago. Our collective future is dependent on our children's ability to develop creative problem-solving and collaboration skills, which is not the same as “excelling” in the use of one word processor versus another.
In an era of ''limited resources'' there is still pressure to equate 21st Century skills with learning to use Microsoft Office™; it is more important than ever to promote the use of free software that encourages learners to acquire critical-thinking skills, and to further the development of diverse communities of development and support around the needs of teachers and learnings. Children are not office workers and nothing in their future will resemble office work from 30-years ago. Our collective future is dependent on our children's ability to develop creative problem-solving and collaboration skills, which is not the same as “excelling” in the use of one word processor versus another.
'''What are our strategies for achieving these objectives?'''
==== What are our strategies for achieving these objectives? ====
While there are hundreds of instances of powerful learning tools, there are only a handful of efforts to create learning platforms. Sugar is such a platform. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution to learning—the one right way; rather is about a change in culture: computing as a resource employed by the learner as opposed to a service provided to the learner.  
While there are hundreds of instances of powerful learning tools, there are only a handful of efforts to create learning platforms. Sugar is such a platform. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution to learning—the one right way; rather is about a change in culture: computing as a resource employed by the learner as opposed to a service provided to the learner.  
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It takes time to make a deep, systemic impact that results in a change in culture. Our collective efforts at Sugar Labs have influence, but the many challenges posed by the economic crisis, budget cuts, the energy crisis, global communication, “clash of civilizations”, etc. are mandating real change to the status quo. We have to be cognizant of these external influences.
It takes time to make a deep, systemic impact that results in a change in culture. Our collective efforts at Sugar Labs have influence, but the many challenges posed by the economic crisis, budget cuts, the energy crisis, global communication, “clash of civilizations”, etc. are mandating real change to the status quo. We have to be cognizant of these external influences.
'''What are our short- and long-term (measurable) goals?'''
==== What are our short- and long-term (measurable) goals? ====
Growth is an ambitious goal during a global recession; nonetheless, the goals for Sugar Labs in 2009 are to grow its community, broaden its code base, and most important, increase the number of children using Sugar.
Growth is an ambitious goal during a global recession; nonetheless, the goals for Sugar Labs in 2009 are to grow its community, broaden its code base, and most important, increase the number of children using Sugar.
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Sugar is a learning platform, so it is only relevant when it is in the hands of learners. By the end of 2009, we'll have reached over one-million children through Sugar deployments on OLPC-XO-1 computers. It is an ambitious but reasonable goal to reach as many children through other means of distributing Sugar as well: Sugar on netbooks; Sugar on a Stick; Sugar deployed through a terminal server. We have laid the ground-work over the past six months, working with the packaging teams of a number of GNU/Linux distributions; now is the time to leverage those efforts.
Sugar is a learning platform, so it is only relevant when it is in the hands of learners. By the end of 2009, we'll have reached over one-million children through Sugar deployments on OLPC-XO-1 computers. It is an ambitious but reasonable goal to reach as many children through other means of distributing Sugar as well: Sugar on netbooks; Sugar on a Stick; Sugar deployed through a terminal server. We have laid the ground-work over the past six months, working with the packaging teams of a number of GNU/Linux distributions; now is the time to leverage those efforts.
'''What are the means of getting there?'''
====What are the means of getting there?====
Getting our message out—also known as marketing—is a key to our growth. We've been living under the shadow of One Laptop per Child, which has meant that we have been able to focus on creating great tools, arguably without (many) distractions. This has changed and in response, our marketing team has stepped up the clarity and quality of its efforts. (I am particular excited about the possibility of the viral marketing of Sugar.) However, we are being diligent about not over promising—we will stand behind our message.
Getting our message out—also known as marketing—is a key to our growth. We've been living under the shadow of One Laptop per Child, which has meant that we have been able to focus on creating great tools, arguably without (many) distractions. This has changed and in response, our marketing team has stepped up the clarity and quality of its efforts. (I am particular excited about the possibility of the viral marketing of Sugar.) However, we are being diligent about not over promising—we will stand behind our message.
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In terms of teacher outreach, we are exploring more formal and informal means of engagement. The proposal to the US National Science Foundation that we submitted last week focuses on a global assessment of Sugar deployments. The survey we are putting together for the teachers in Uruguay this week will be a vehicle for data gathering, but also a means to bring to the attention of teachers the importance of feedback. I expect that this by-product will result in a more in-depth, on-going channel. Local Sugar Labs will help in this regard as well.
In terms of teacher outreach, we are exploring more formal and informal means of engagement. The proposal to the US National Science Foundation that we submitted last week focuses on a global assessment of Sugar deployments. The survey we are putting together for the teachers in Uruguay this week will be a vehicle for data gathering, but also a means to bring to the attention of teachers the importance of feedback. I expect that this by-product will result in a more in-depth, on-going channel. Local Sugar Labs will help in this regard as well.
'''Let the debate begin'''
====Let the debate begin====
These are my thoughts about our 2009 goals. I haven't mentioned important topics such as support and documentation. And I am sure that we'll find lots disagreement on the technical front. And as we are always going to be shorthanded, we'll always have to make trade-offs regarding competing goals and means. But by adhering to the principles of free and open debate, we'll continue to be able to leverage the benefits of our differences and our diversity. We will accomplish great things this year.
These are my thoughts about our 2009 goals. I haven't mentioned important topics such as support and documentation. And I am sure that we'll find lots disagreement on the technical front. And as we are always going to be shorthanded, we'll always have to make trade-offs regarding competing goals and means. But by adhering to the principles of free and open debate, we'll continue to be able to leverage the benefits of our differences and our diversity. We will accomplish great things this year.
