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== Detailed Description ==
== Detailed Description ==
Keep all object browsing related functionality in one code base. This code base will have several UI modes i.e. Journal mode(for objects-centric notion), Calibre-like mode(for browsing books), Rhytmbox-like mode(for audio files) etc.
Basic points:
* follow [[Design Team/Proposals/Journal]] mockups
* support plugins for different UI modes
** Journal plugin(for 0.86+ its a part of sugar package, for <0.86 releases it could be separate activity as well)
** Books plugin, Calibre-like(or so) for browsing books(formed in separate activity)
** Audio plugin for browsing audio files(formed in separate activity)
** Video plugin for browsing view files(formed in separate activity)
** ..
* provide all necessary functionality for plugins
This code follows [[Design Team/Proposals/Journal]] mockups.
'''NOTE''' Separate activities is not a task for this feature proposal.
== Benefit to Sugar ==
== Benefit to Sugar ==