
List of fonts and covered writing systems in SoaS Strawberry
The following fonts are included in Sugar on a Stick Strawberry. Other versions have different selections. In particular, builds for a particular country include fonts for the writing system of that language. Writing systems covered are Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic (Russian). Symbols provided include Dingbats, punctuation, and common math symbols.

This list is the result of the command

in Terminal.

* Bitstream Charter:style=Bold
* Bitstream Charter:style=Bold Italic
* Bitstream Charter:style=Italic
* Bitstream Charter:style=Regular
* Century Schoolbook L:style=Bold
* Century Schoolbook L:style=Bold Italic
* Century Schoolbook L:style=Italic
* Century Schoolbook L:style=Roman
* cmbx10:style=Regular
* cmex10:style=Regular
* cmmi10:style=Regular
* cmr10:style=Regular
* cmsy10:style=Regular
* console8x8:style=Regular
* Console:style=Regular
* Dingbats:style=Regular
* eufm10:style=Regular
* Fixed:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Gothic\-English:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Gothic\-German:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Gothic\-Italian:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Plain\-Duplex\-Italic:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Plain\-Duplex:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Plain\-Triplex\-Italic:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Plain\-Triplex:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Script\-Complex:style=Regular
* Hershey\-Script\-Simplex:style=Regular
* LucidaTypewriter:style=Sans
* LucidaTypewriter:style=Sans Bold
* MiscFixed:style=Bold
* MiscFixed:style=Bold SemiCondensed
* MiscFixed:style=Regular
* MiscFixed:style=SemiCondensed
* msam10:style=Regular
* msbm10:style=Regular
* MT Extra:style=Regular
* Nimbus Mono L:style=Bold
* Nimbus Mono L:style=Bold Oblique
* Nimbus Mono L:style=Regular
* Nimbus Mono L:style=Regular Oblique
* Nimbus Roman No9 L:style=Medium
* Nimbus Roman No9 L:style=Medium Italic
* Nimbus Roman No9 L:style=Regular
* Nimbus Roman No9 L:style=Regular Italic
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Bold
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Bold Condensed
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Bold Condensed Italic
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Bold Italic
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Regular
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Regular Condensed
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Regular Condensed Italic
* Nimbus Sans L:style=Regular Italic
* URW Bookman L:style=Demi Bold
* URW Bookman L:style=Demi Bold Italic
* URW Bookman L:style=Light
* URW Bookman L:style=Light Italic
* URW Chancery L:style=Medium Italic
* URW Gothic L:style=Book
* URW Gothic L:style=Book Oblique
* URW Gothic L:style=Demi
* URW Gothic L:style=Demi Oblique
* URW Palladio L:style=Bold
* URW Palladio L:style=Bold Italic
* URW Palladio L:style=Italic
* URW Palladio L:style=Roman
* Utopia:style=Bold
* Utopia:style=Bold Italic
* Utopia:style=Italic
* Utopia:style=Regular
* wasy10:style=Normal
