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== Users ==
== Learners ==
Sugar user applications are called '''[[Human Interface Guidelines/Activities | Activities]]'''.  They are software packages that automatically save your work producing instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. An Activity instance is a [[Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience/The_Journal| Journal]] event.  Many Activities support user [[Collaboration|collaboration]] where multiple users may be invited to join a collective Activity session.
(Sugar users are '''learners'''.)
Learner applications in Sugar are called '''[[Human Interface Guidelines/Activities | Activities]]'''.  They are software packages that automatically save your work producing instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. An Activity instance is a [[Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience/The_Journal| Journal]] event.  Many Activities support learner [[Collaboration|collaboration]] where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session.
Please see the [ Sugar Activity Library] for a nearly complete list of activities which are available for Sugar.
Please see the [ Sugar Activity Library] for a nearly complete list of activities which are available for Sugar.
===[[Activity Team/FAQ | Questions]]===
The  [[Activity Team]]'s [[Activity Team/FAQ]] has many developer-oriented questions, but Sugar Learners should post their general Activity-related questions to the team [[Talk:Activity Team/FAQ |at this page]].  Questions about a specific Activity should be posted on the discussion page for that Activity available below.
== Developers ==
== Developers ==
Please see the [[Activity Team]] for developer information.
Please see the [[Activity Team]] for developer information.