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* [[Karma:Meeting 08 Sep 2009]]
* [[Karma:Meeting 08 Sep 2009]]
=== Project Plan ===
=== Roadmaps ===
==== GSoC ====
==== Subzero's University Thesis ====
There are roughly 4 parts to this project plan: first get  create a very simple learning activity with javascript and html5, second get that activity running on the XO, third extend the activity to take advantage of Sugar-specific features such as the Journal and Collaboration.
Deadline: February
Goals:   i18n mechanism, animation support, several good examples
* i18n mechanism: i18n on Karma Objects, inline html i18n, html2po tool
Before GSoc - June 1:
These milestones are logged on [ Launchpad]
* get familiar with Sugar
* get familiar with html5
* Felipe to acquire XO
* learn more about JavaScript
* select the appropriate js framework -- jQuery
June 2 - June 12:
==== 0.1 "Osito" ====
# “Karming” the "Quadrilaterals" activity using a non-elegant approach
# Post blog entry detailing challenges encountered and ideas on how to simplify the animation methods
# Post message to jquery-en and jquery-dev mailing lists asking for feedback
Due September 11, 2009
June 13 - July 12:
* 1 Working example in "adding_up_to_10"
* Developing the first Karma widget (easy animation tool, boost animation tool from the selected js framework)
* cleaned up documentation with jsdocs api documentation and cleaned up README
* Getting familiar with Sugar/Browse code
* integrate chakra and "adding_up_to_10" and knavbar
* Providing Karma + audio
* adding_up_to_10 works on the XO
* Providing Karma + client-side i18n
* Developing an activity template for Karma
* Changing the original activity to include above features
July 13:
Publish blog post that showcases updated activity. Explain problems encountered, what works, what still doesn’t.
July 15 - July 25:
==== 0.2 "Gatito" ====
* Fixing bugs
* Work on gears+karma support
July 26 - July 31:
Due October 21, 2009
* Documenting examples
* Improving documentation
August 1 - August 9: time for any eventual emergencies
This release is timed to coincide with Bryan's visit to Google HQ for the GSoC Mentor's Summit
==== KCD's remaining time in Nepal ====
* 3 working examples
* animation support with k.timeline
* basic SVG support
* basic i18n support for inline text
* narwhal utility scripts
** jsdocs
** lesson2po
* separate plugin for i18n, perhaps called k4a or karma-for-all
from August 21 - Sept 10th
==== 0.4 "nino" ====
# Work on basic layout
Due 31 January 2010
#* html versions of chakra, lesson_nav
#* Examples of lesson_text, lesson_plan, teacher's note for "adding_up_to_10"
# The Karma specification
#* put it in separate page
#* document what needs to be done and post various ideas and problems
This release will be for Subzero's senior thesis
==== Subzero's University Thesis ====
* Full i18n support
* support for svg and canvas animation
* fully functional "kpages"
* build scripts for chakra
* scripts that automate creating karma lessons as launchpad projects, like [ Quickly] does
* At least 6 lessons ready that have been translated into 3 languages each
* Version 0.1 draft of karma specification done
Deadline: December 30th
Goals:  i18n mechanism, animation support, several good examples
==== 1.0 "Muchacho" ====
* i18n mechanism: i18n on Karma Objects, inline html i18n, html2po tool
==== Roadmap to 0.1 ====
This release may also be called "Karma 1000" and is a big wishlist
* Full moodle integration
* Offline storage and synchronization with moodle
* Integration with the Sugar Journal
* Integration with Telepathy on Sugar
=== Library ===
=== Library ===
