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'''What exactly is on the Stick?''': Sugar + Fedora GNU/Linux.  Taking advantage of the Fedora Live USB technology, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single, USB memory stick.  Different types of configurations are being designed to offer the options to run virtualizations or emulations and to use virtual machines on existing computers, saving the Sugar Journal (the learner's work) and settings on the Stick for use at another workstation. Our [[Sugar on a Stick/Resources| resources page]] contains more information about solutions we are working on.</div>
'''What exactly is on the Stick?''': Sugar + Fedora GNU/Linux.  Taking advantage of the Fedora Live USB technology, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single, USB memory stick.  Different types of configurations are being designed to offer the options to run virtualizations or emulations and to use virtual machines on existing computers, saving the Sugar Journal (the learner's work) and settings on the Stick for use at another workstation. Our [[Sugar on a Stick/Resources| resources page]] contains more information about solutions we are working on.