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:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Agreed.
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Agreed.
:'''<tomeu>''' walterbender: because the meeting lasts one hour but having a longer period may help have more quorum
:'''<tomeu>''' walterbender: because the meeting lasts one hour but having a longer period may help have more quorum
-->| dsd_ (n=dsd@gentoo/developer/dsd) has joined #sugar-meeting
:'''<CanoeBerry>''' Is a quorum 4 people or what?
:'''<walterbender>''' tomeu: so this is for situations when we don't have a quorum?
:'''<walterbender>''' tomeu: so this is for situations when we don't have a quorum?
:'''<mchua>''' I would say that if we have 7 +1s for something in a SLOBs meeting, it gets posted to IAEP and the decision is done.
:'''<mchua>''' I would say that if we have 7 +1s for something in a SLOBs meeting, it gets posted to IAEP and the decision is done.