
Joined 8 May 2008
3,041 bytes added ,  07:33, 21 November 2011
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Hello ..
== Work ==
I've been volunteer for OLPC project for about two years now, and i'll continue to do so because i think not everything is lost, but yes i'll  do contributions to sugar labs because it's idea is more ''clean'' now than OLPC's one...Let's hope for the best that OLPC won't fall entirely and that Sugar labs keeps on growing
* http://dev.laptop.org/~rafael/
* http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Special:Contributions/RafaelOrtiz
== Contact ==
* http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:RafaelOrtiz
== Notas ==
sweets bind sdk/sugar ./setup.py dist_xo
* Interes en OLPC sur acerca de sugar y niños con discapacidades..
preguntas: hay estudios al respecto, no solo utilizando sugar para trabajar con niños con discapacidades sensoriales sino tambien con discapacidades de aprendizaje.
Que acerca del trabajo con otro tipo de edades ? adult people ? older people ?.
== Activities ==
* http://openetherpad.org/AC-ActivityPack
== Honey proposals ==
== Pootle ==
* Migrate to new version in the NEW vm.
== Recursos ==
* moo, cafepress, amazon.
* http://dev.olenepal.org/E-Paath-2/UNSTABLE/
* http://inclusion.semitagui.gov.co/index.php?title=Portada
* http://wiki.paraguayeduca.org/index.php/Portada
* Activityteam/sugar-lint
=== Programación web + desktop ===
* http://titaniumapp.com/
* http://www.salasaga.org/
* http://www.openlaszlo.org/
* http://ejohn.org/blog/processingjs/
* http://research.sun.com/projects/lively/
== TODOs ==
* Hacer un review del estado actual de las actividades.
* Turtle art Mas sensors.--investigar para thesis perifericos robots.
* Escribir pagina acerca de labyrinth
* gitorious@git.sugarlabs.org:turtleart/arduinosupport-clone.git
* gitorious@git.sugarlabs.org:turtleart/arduino-support.git
== Ideas ==
* Sugarizar calibre
* robots...minsky ideas.
* sugarize aslo
* web enviroment titanium.
== Links ==
* http://hackasaurus.org/#participate
* http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Remove_unwanted_spaces
* http://code.google.com/p/catroid/downloads/list
* http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/791396812/minibloq-graphical-programming-environment-for-ard
* http://www.ted.com/talks/marcin_jakubowski.html
* http://curveship.com/artmaking.html
* http://openclipart.org/
* https://dev.laptop.org.au/projects/xo-au/issues?query_id=6
== Contactos ==
*http://www.mochiladigitaltelmex.com.mx/olpc/index.php/Herramientas_pedagógicas (wiki educativo mexico)
*http://wiki-olpc.uca.edu.py/index.php/Portada wiki paraguay.
=Release mail proposal=
=[RELEASE] Terminal-#X=
notes if there are.
== Bundle ==
== Source ==
== News ==
== Testing ==
(if necessary)
= Esta es una pagina de prueba =
--[[Usuario:RafaelOrtiz|RafaelOrtiz]] 00:54 18 nov 2011 (UTC)
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