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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
This page provides additional detail for installing the most stable, released version of Sugar on a Stick (SoaS), '''[]''' on a USB flash storage device using GNU/Linux.
: To explore a variety of '''experimental''' options for putting a [[What is Sugar?|Sugar]] image on a USB or SD flash drive under GNU/Linux, see the following pages:
The page [[Sugar on a Stick/Linux/Installation]] provides up-to-date and concise instructions for loading  the most recent released version of [[Sugar on a Stick]] (SoaS) onto a USB/SD flash storage device using GNU/Linux.
==livecd-iso-to-disk tool==
Before experimenting beyond the instructions in the link above, please read [[fedora:How to create and use Live USB]] for more background details. That page starts with Direct Write methods of creating a (non-persistent) Live USB system, and further down the page describes using the livecd-iso-to-disk tool which is the prefered method of making persistent Sugar on a Stick.
The reader should be aware that Ubuntu/Debian use a method to create a live USB system which is fundamentally different to Fedora's method, used by Sugar.
:''Quote from the above Fedora page''
: '''Issues using other Linux distributions'''
: Ubuntu and derivative Linux distributions have a usb-creator program similar to Live USB Creator. This does not work with Fedora ISO images, it silently rejects them. usb-creator requires the ISO to have a Debian layout, with a /.disk/info file and a casper directory. Do not attempt to use this utility to write a Fedora ISO image.
: The livecd-iso-to-disk script is not meant to be run from a non-Fedora system. Even if it happens to run and write a stick apparently successfully from some other distribution, the stick may well fail to boot. Use of livecd-iso-to-disk on any distribution other than Fedora is unsupported and not expected to work: please use an alternative method, such as the "direct write" methods described above.
:''end Quote''
=== Persistence ===
Persistence in the context of a live USB system, is the ability to save both system changes, including Software updates, and the user's work between sessions, that is after shutdown and reboot.
==Linux users, suggested methods ==
Linux users might consider reading the following pages for supported methods to install SoaS.
'''Users of Fedora and Red Hat derivitives:'''
:[[Sugar on a Stick/Linux/Installation]]
'''Debian, Ubuntu, and derivitives, and other distros:'''
:Make your SoaS from within a Sugar Live OS environment, which is itself a Fedora system.
: '''Either''' Burn a Sugar.iso and follow the section of [[Sugar on a Stick/Installation]] entitled
:: "1. Burn a CD-ROM disc, boot from it, then run the script, ''livecd-iso-to-disk''"
: '''or''' create a Sugar image by dd or any of the methods on [[ Testing/Reports/Sugar_on_a_Stick_Persistence|this page]]. Then boot into the Live OS, to create SoaS from the running Live OS image.
: [[Sugar on a Stick/Beta|SoaS v2 test builds]] | [[Sugar on a Stick/Installation/OLPC|OLPC XO-1]] | [[Sugar on a Stick/Linux/openSUSE|openSUSE]] | [[Trisquel On A Sugar Toast|Trisquel]] | [[VirtualBox]] | [[VMware]] | [[Sugar on a Stick/Linux/Non-compressed Fedora|non-compressed Fedora]] | [[:Category:Live USB|all known portable Sugar distributions]]
If you have questions, trouble, or feedback, please let us know on the [[{{TALKPAGENAMEE}}|discussion]] page. If you can improve these instructions, please edit the page and do so!
If you have questions, trouble, or feedback, please let us know on the [[{{TALKPAGENAMEE}}|discussion]] page. If you can improve these instructions, please edit the page and do so!
*Also See this reference for details:[]
== Put SoaS onto a stick using Fedora or Ubuntu ==
To explore a variety of experimental options for putting a [[What is Sugar?|Sugar]] image on a USB or SD flash drive under GNU/Linux, see the following pages:
[[Sugar on a Stick/Beta|SoaS test builds]] | [[Sugar on a Stick/Installation/OLPC|OLPC XO-1]] | [[Sugar on a Stick/Linux/openSUSE|openSUSE]] | [[Trisquel On A Sugar Toast|Trisquel]] | [[VirtualBox]] | [[VMware]] | [[Sugar on a Stick/Linux/Non-compressed Fedora|non-compressed Fedora]] | [[:Category:Live USB|Live USB: (all known portable Sugar distributions)]]
This is known to work in Fedora and Ubuntu.
=== Load SoaS further insight ===
First, download a SoaS-2-blueberry <tt>.iso</tt> image from  [[], then return here.
This is known to work in Fedora and has been reported to work in Ubuntu.
::<small>(A program called UNetBootin available at does all this magic for you... or you can do the magic yourself:)</small>
First, download a SoaS {{Code|.iso}} image from, then return here.
* Make sure you have the ''syslinux'' package installed on the operating system that you will use to prepare the Live USB image. It is recommended that you also have the ''isomd5sum'' package installed. The ''cryptsetup'' package is another option potentially used by the "livecd-iso-to-disk" installation script. (On Ubuntu, <code>sudo apt-get install syslinux isomd5sum cryptsetup</code> will install the packages. They are also available through the Synaptic Package Manager.)
* Make sure you have the ''syslinux'' package installed on the operating system that you will use to prepare the Live USB image. It is recommended that you also have the ''isomd5sum'' package installed. The ''cryptsetup'' package is another option potentially used by the "livecd-iso-to-disk" installation script. (On Ubuntu, {{Code|sudo apt-get install syslinux isomd5sum cryptsetup}} will install the packages. They are also available through the Synaptic Package Manager.)
:: <small>(On Gentoo, one needs to uncomment 'SAMPLE FILE' in /etc/mtools/mtools.conf to make syslinux work.)</small>
:: <small>(On Gentoo, one needs to uncomment 'SAMPLE FILE' in /etc/mtools/mtools.conf to make syslinux work.)</small>
:*''[[wikipedia:Syslinux|syslinux]]'' is needed to set up booting on the FAT file system of the USB disc or Live CD.
:*''[[wikipedia:Syslinux|syslinux]]'' is needed to set up booting on the FAT file system of the USB disc or Live CD.
:*''[[wikipedia:md5sum|isomd5sum]]'' is needed for the recommended verification step, which checks that the .iso file is complete after its travels. If there is a problem with the .iso file, the script will exit and provide a failure message.  The verification step can be bypassed by using the <code>--noverify</code> option.
:*''[[wikipedia:md5sum|isomd5sum]]'' is needed for the recommended verification step, which checks that the .iso file is complete after its travels. If there is a problem with the .iso file, the script will exit and provide a failure message.  The verification step can be bypassed by using the <code>--noverify</code> option.
:*''[[wikipedia:dm-crypt|cryptsetup]]'' is only needed for the option to provide password protection and encryption for the persistent /home/liveuser folder. It is not necessary if one applies the  recommended <code>--unencrypted-home</code> option. The <code>--unencrypted-home</code> option is preferred because the reduced overhead improves robustness with the compressed ''[[wikipedia:SquashFS|SquashFS]]'' file system employed by the Live USB deployment.
:*''[[wikipedia:dm-crypt|cryptsetup]]'' is only needed for the option to provide password protection and encryption for the persistent /home/liveuser folder. It is not necessary if one applies the  recommended {{Code|--unencrypted-home}} option. The {{Code|--unencrypted-home}} option is preferred because the reduced overhead improves robustness with the compressed ''[[wikipedia:SquashFS|SquashFS]]'' file system employed by the Live USB deployment.
* Plug in a 1-GB or larger USB stick into your computer.
* Plug in a 2 GB or larger USB stick into your computer.
* Download the installation script: (23 June 2009).<br>(You will execute this script several steps below.)
* Mount the 'SoaS.iso' image to reach the onboard livecd-iso-to-disk installation script:
* Check the USB device name. In the example below, the '''s'''torage '''d'''evice is /dev/sdb and filesystem partition on that device is /dev/sdb1:
: {{Code|sudo mkdir /run/soas/}}
: <tt>'''df -h'''</tt>
: {{Code|sudo mount /path/to/Fedora-Live-SoaS-x86_64-20-1 /run/soas/}}
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
:: (mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only)
/dev/sda1              19G 7.0G  11G 40% /
* Change the working directory to the LiveOS folder on the SoaS.iso mount:
tmpfs                1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /lib/init/rw
: {{Code|cd /run/soas/LiveOS}}
varrun                1.5G  96K 1.5G   1% /var/run
* Execute {{Code|./livecd-iso-to-disk --help}} for usage details. (The file is already executable.)
  varlock              1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /var/lock
udev                  1.5G 2.9M 1.5G   1% /dev
* Check the USB device node name on your system. In the example below, the <abbr title="small computer system interface">'''s'''csi</abbr> '''d'''evice is /dev/sdc and filesystem partition on that device is /dev/sdc1:
  tmpfs                1.5G  104K 1.5G   1% /dev/shm
lrm                  1.5G 2.0M 1.5G   1% /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/volatile
$ df -Th
  /dev/sdb1            996M  913M   84M 92% /mnt/myUSBdisc
Filesystem   Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs      rootfs    20G  12G 7.5G 61% /
udev      devtmpfs    1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /dev
tmpfs        tmpfs    1.6G  904K  1.6G  1% /dev/shm
tmpfs        tmpfs    1.6G  788K 1.6G   1% /run
/dev/sda2    ext4    20G  12G  7.5G 61% /
tmpfs        tmpfs    1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs        tmpfs    1.6G    0 1.6G  0% /media
/dev/sda2    ext4    20G  12G 7.5G 61% /tmp
/dev/sda2    ext4    20G  12G 7.5G  61% /var/tmp
/dev/sda2    ext4    20G  12G 7.5G 61% /home
/dev/loop0 iso9660    668M  668M    0 100% /run/soas
/dev/sdc1    vfat    3.8G 4.0K 3.8G   1% /run/media/MyAccount/MyUSBdiscMountPoint
Another way to find out the USB device node name on your system is issuing the command
    sudo fdisk -l
and looking in the output for the disk that corresponds to the USB device, e.g., a disk described with a stanza like
    Disk /dev/sd'''?''': 1939 MB, 1939865600 bytes
    150 heads, 42 sectors/track, 601 cylinders, total 3788800 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x000e14bf
    Device Boot      Start        End      Blocks  Id System
    /dev/sd'''?'''1   *        2048    3784703    1891328    c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
where '''?''' in /dev/sd'''?''' is (usually) a letter of the alphabet.
If you have only '''one''' storage device with 2 GB of nominal capacity, it will be easy to recognize the USB device in the fdisk output by looking at which device has (about) 2 GB of capacity. In the example above, "Disk /dev/sd'''?'''" reports to be as large as ''1939 MB'', that is almost 2 GB.
If you have '''more than one''' disk with about 2 GB of capacity, consider moving to a situation where you'll have only '''one''' device with 2 GB of capacity, because this will help out a lot in recognizing the drive correctly.
* Unmount the drive,<br>
* Unmount the drive,<br>
: <tt>sudo umount /dev/sd''b1''</tt>
: {{Code|sudo umount /run/media/MyAccount/MyUSBdiscMountPoint}}
:: <small>(The {{Code|/run/media/MyAccount/}} path is the new, standard Fedora mount point. Other operating systems may use {{Code|/media/MyMountPoint}}.)</small>
{{:Sugar on a Stick/Linux/bootable device}}
* Run {{Code|livecd-iso-to-disk}} as the root user, making sure to pass the correct USB device node name and to set overlay and home size appropriately, depending on the target USB device storage capacity.
:<div style="padding: 1em; border: 1px dashed #2F6FAB; background-color: #FBFBFB; margin: 1em 0px 1em 0em; font-family: Courier;">./livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb '''500''' --home-size-mb '''800''' --unencrypted-home '''/path/to/downloaded'''.iso /dev/sd'''?'''1</div>
: If the command fails telling you that /dev/sd'''?'''1 does not exist, try using the command for /dev/sd'''?''' (the name of the device) and not for /dev/sd'''?'''1 (the name of the partition), like this:
* Then check to see that the partition is marked as bootable,<br>
:<div style="padding: 1em; border: 1px dashed #2F6FAB; background-color: #FBFBFB; margin: 1em 0px 1em 0em; font-family: Courier;">./livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb '''500''' --home-size-mb '''800''' --unencrypted-home '''/path/to/downloaded'''.iso /dev/sd'''?'''</div>
: <tt>sudo fdisk '''-l'''</tt> ''<----that's a lowercase letter 'L' for the '''l'''ist option.''
You should see output that looks like this:
Disk /dev/sdb: 1047 MB, 1047265280 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 127 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x0008325f
  Device Boot      Start        End      Blocks  Id  System
/dev/sdb1  *          1        127    1020096    6  FAT16
The '*' under the Boot column is what you want to see.
: If not, then
:* For Ubuntu 8.10, menu: System -> Administration -> Partition Editor (GParted).
::# Select your USB device (/dev/sd''b'' for the rest of these instructions),
::# then your partition (/dev/sd''b1''),
::# then menu: Partition -> Manage Flags,
::# check the boot box,
::# and Close to mark the partition as bootable.
:* For Fedora,
: If the command fails returning a complaint about the filesystem not being mounted, '''and''' you can afford to '''loose all data on the USB device''', you can try reformatting the USB device filesystem:
::#  <tt>parted /dev/sd''b''</tt>
::# toggle 1 boot
::# quit
* Change mode to make the script executable.  
:* mount the USB device (e.g., by unplugging and re-inserting it),
: <tt>chmod +x</tt>
:* repeat the steps for learning its device name (there can be situations when the device name has changed!)
* Run it as root, making sure to pass the correct USB device and to set overlay and home size appropriately, depending on the stick size.
:* issue the command with the '''{{Code|--format --msdos}}''' options, like this:
: <tt>sudo ./ --overlay-size-mb 300 --home-size-mb 160 --delete-home --unencrypted-home soas-strawberry.iso /dev/sd''b1''</tt>
{{Note/warning|Warning|The command described here will ask for a confirmation and will '''destroy''' all pre-existing data on your USB device.<br>
:: '''Note:''' With the soas-2-blueberry.iso, leave out the 3 options for a separate persistent home.  The script will complete successfully, but the new installation startup process will have trouble finding the home folder and fail to complete.
See also [[olpc:How_to_Damage_a_FLASH_Storage_Device|How to Damage a FLASH Storage Device]] for a discussion of why using the factory format is preferred.}}
::<div style="padding: 1em; border: 1px dashed #2F6FAB; background-color: #FBFBFB; margin: 1em 0px 1em 0em; font-family: Courier;">./livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr '''--format --msdos''' --overlay-size-mb '''500''' --home-size-mb '''800''' --unencrypted-home '''/path/to/downloaded'''.iso /dev/sd'''?'''</div>
:: Normally, the ''livecd-iso-to-disk'' installation has the advantage over the ''liveusb-creator'' installation method by allowing a persistent /home/liveuser folder with the <tt>--home-size-mb ''NNN''</tt> option. This feature would allow you to update the OS image while keeping the user files (by running the script against your existing installation but <u>leaving out</u> the --home-size-mb NNN option).
: {{Highlight|In the above examples, the {{Code|'''/path/to/downloaded'''.iso}} may be substituted with {{Code|/dev/loop0}}, as this is the loop device that the mount command chose.}}
::* The <code>--delete-home</code> option is used to avoid an error message while requesting both a new home (with <code>--home-size-mb</code>) and a persistent home (indirectly with <code>--unencrypted-home</code>). You wouldn't use the --delete-home option on an upgrade of the operation system only.
:Depending on the size of your USB stick, you may have to decrease <code>--overlay-size-mb</code> and <code>--home-size-mb</code> values (for example, for a 1-GB stick, use 200 for each).
{{Note/note|Note| Additional USB or SD devices may be loaded from a running ''Sugar on a Stick'' image that was loaded with the livecd-iso-to-disk script (but not those installed by other methods) by running this command in the Terminal Activity as a root user:}}
:* If you get an error about udevinfo, you have the new version of udev where "udevadm info" is the proper command.
:<div style="padding: 1em; border: 1px dashed #2F6FAB; background-color: #FBFBFB; margin: 1em 0px 1em 0em; font-family: Courier;">/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb '''500''' --home-size-mb '''800''' --unencrypted-home /run/initramfs/livedev /dev/sd'''?'''1</div>
:*:Create an executable file called udevinfo somewhere in your path with the following contents:
: The ''livecd-iso-to-disk'' installation method has other advantages over the ''liveusb-creator'' method by allowing the creation of a separate,  persistent /home/liveuser folder with the <tt>--home-size-mb ''NNN''</tt> option. This feature avoids consumption of the persistent overlay for Activity storage (see [[LiveOS image]]) and allows one to update the OS image while keeping the user files (by running the script against your existing installation but <u>leaving out</u> the --home-size-mb NNN option).
:::<code>udevadm info $*</code>
::* A {{Code|--delete-home}} option is available to avoid an error message while requesting both a new home (with {{Code|--home-size-mb}}) when there is already a persistent home on the device). You wouldn't use the --delete-home option on an upgrade of the operating system only.
:Depending on the size of your USB stick, you may have to decrease {{Code|--overlay-size-mb}} and {{Code|--home-size-mb}} values (for example, for a 2 GB stick, use 500 for the overlay and 800 for the home folder).
:: If you have sufficient capacity on your target device, and format it with an ext[234] filesystem to overcome the 4096-MB fat32 file size limit, you may avoid the SquashFS compression by including the {{Code|--skipcompress}} option in the script command line.
:* Watch out for errors in the output of the script, the script seems to ignore them! (and say all is fine on the last line).
:* Watch out for errors in the output of the script, the script seems to ignore them! (and say all is fine on the last line).
   − transcript===
===livecd-iso-to-disk transcript===
$ sudo ./ --overlay-size-mb 300 --home-size-mb 160 --delete-home --unencrypted-home Soas2-200906211228.iso /dev/sdb1
Verifying image...
[LiveOS]$ sudo ./livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 500 --home-size-mb 800 --unencrypted-home /home/MyAccount/Downloads/Fedora-Live-SoaS-x86_64-20-1.iso /dev/sdc1
/home/walter/Desktop/Soas2-200906211228.iso:   9f1aa3c7a19dd9c68d1047d681f703c6
Verifying image...
Fragment sums: f5ddb7deb26b6474bd59be9f57b6c7abcd624e1ccc682ddf664ba73da4ed
/home/MyAccount/Downloads/Fedora-Live-SoaS-x86_64-20-1.iso:   b0a9414ff7eb79b680d5c86440e19587
Fragment count: 20
Fragment sums: 9bfe23577651c88dcfb78c76ac3a28a5c53eead4561e3bdc5921b8b2e748
Checking: 100.0%
Fragment count: 20
Press [Esc] to abort check.
The media check is complete, the result is: PASS.
Checking: 100.0%
It is OK to use this media.
The media check is complete, the result is: PASS.
Copying live image to USB stick
Updating boot config file
It is OK to use this media.
Initializing persistent overlay file
Copying live image to target device.
300+0 records in
300+0 records out
    630,784,000 100%    1.96MB/s    0:05:06 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
314572800 bytes (315 MB) copied, 88.7551 s, 3.5 MB/s
Initializing persistent /home
          8,192 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
160+0 records in
Updating boot config file
160+0 records out
Initializing persistent overlay file
167772160 bytes (168 MB) copied, 48.1191 s, 3.5 MB/s
500+0 records in
Formatting unencrypted /home
500+0 records out
mke2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
524288000 bytes (524 MB) copied, 216.717 s, 2.4 MB/s
Filesystem label=
Initializing persistent /home
OS type: Linux
800+0 records in
Block size=1024 (log=0)
800+0 records out
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
838860800 bytes (839 MB) copied, 344.643 s, 2.4 MB/s
40960 inodes, 163840 blocks
Formatting unencrypted /home
8192 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
mke2fs 1.42.8 (20-Jun-2013)
First data block=1
Filesystem label=
Maximum filesystem blocks=67371008
OS type: Linux
20 block groups
Block size=4096 (log=2)
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
2048 inodes per group
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
Superblock backups stored on blocks:  
51296 inodes, 204800 blocks
8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729
10240 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Writing inode tables: done                             
Maximum filesystem blocks=209715200
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
7 block groups
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
7328 inodes per group
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 28 mounts or
Superblock backups stored on blocks:  
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
32768, 98304, 163840
tune2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
Setting maximal mount count to -1
Allocating group tables: done                           
Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds
Writing inode tables: done                             
Installing boot loader
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
USB stick set up as live image!
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
tune2fs 1.42.8 (20-Jun-2013)
Setting maximal mount count to -1
Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds
Installing boot loader
Target device is now set up with a Live image!
== What's next? ==
== What's next? ==
After you've created your stick, it's time to [[Sugar_on_a_Stick#Boot|boot your stick]] and [[Sugar on a Stick/Getting Involved | test]] it out.  Please also [[Sugar on a Stick/Getting Involved/Testing | report]] your observations.
After you've created your stick, it's time to [[Sugar on a Stick/Boot|boot your stick]] and [[Sugar on a Stick/Getting Involved | test]] it out.  Please also [[Sugar on a Stick/Getting Involved/Testing | report]] your observations.