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There are many vocabulary terms used in this wiki and the game. They are listed here for clarification and understanding.
There are many vocabulary terms used in this wiki and the game. They are listed here for clarification and understanding.
• '''Attack''': This is how the player does damage, and defeats an opponent.  
• '''Attack''': This is how the player deals damage to enemies.
• '''Basic Attack''': A move that the student can make when in battle that has a chance of either hitting the opponent, missing the opponent or producing a critical hit. It requires no math unless the student gets a critical hit.  
• '''Basic Attack''': A very basic attack that deals a minimal amount of damage to enemies and is ineffective to most.
• '''Boss''': This is an especially powerful enemy which requires completion of specialized problems based around the entire lesson.
• '''Boss''': This is a rather powerful enemy which requires completion of specialized problems found within the dungeon.
• '''Critical Hit''': An especially effective attack that gives the student the chance to do more damage to their opponent if they solve a simple multiplication problem.  
• '''Critical Attack''': An effective attack that gives the player the chance to deal additional damage to enemies providing the player solves a multiplication problem.
• '''Damage/Dmg''': this is how much HP a character or the character's opponent loses when an attack is successful.  
• '''Damage / dmg''': The amount of health points lost during a successful attack.
• '''Dungeon''': The game world that the player is exploring which covers the lesson the student is currently on.
• '''Dungeon''': A map in the game consisting of multiple rooms where the player must progress to gain entry to the exit.
• '''GB Mode''': GB Mode is when you are using the laptop with the buttons on the monitor piece and not using the keyboard.  
• '''GB Mode''': Setup the XO monitor so it is raised and rotated 180* and fold it back down into the XO. Use the directional pad and four buttons located on either side of the monitor for game input.  
• '''Hit''': This is a successful attack.
• '''HP''': Health points. The player’s game is over when their health points reach zero.
• '''HP''': This represents the player's health within the game world. When it reaches 0 the player loses and their character dies.
• '''Magic Attack''': This type of attack requires the player to solve geometry and graphing related problems.
• '''Magic Attack''': This is an attack which requires the player to solve a problem using geometry and/or graphing ideas to perform a successful attack.
• '''PC Mode''': Setup the XO monitor so it is open, with the keyboard to its front. Use the keyboard and touchpad for game input.
• '''Miss''': This occurs when an attack is not successful and means the attack does 0 damage.  
• '''Power Bar''': This bar is found within battles and is a bonus effect timer for your current attack. It starts out full and slowly diminishes, decreasing the bonus effect over time.
• '''PC Mode''': PC Mode is when you are using the laptop with the keyboard.  
• '''Shop''': In-game shop. The player can travel to the shop to purchase or sell items or equipment.
• '''Power''': this is a bar that starts out full for each attack and slowly diminishes until the attack is completed. When the attack is completed the amount of damage it does is based on how much was left in the power bar. Each attack does some minimum amount of damage that is increased if the power bar is not at 0.
• '''Special Attack''': This type of attack requires the player to solve fraction related problems.
• '''Shop''': This is where the player can purchase new equipment, and items to use in battle, in the game using the in-game currency.
• '''Special Attack''': This is an attack which requires the player to solve a problem using fractions to perform a successful attack.  
