
Created page with '== Sugar sprites library == While not yet an official part of Sugar, there is a simple sprites library, […'
== Sugar sprites library ==

While not yet an official part of Sugar, there is a simple sprites library, [], that is used by many activities, including [[Activities/TurtleArt|Turtle Art]], [[Activities/Visualmatch|Visual Match]], Slideruler, Cardsort, Erikos, etc. is a simple sprites library for managing graphics objects, 'sprites', on a canvas. It manages multiple sprites with methods such as move, hide, set_layer, etc.

There are two classes:

* class Sprites maintains a collection of sprites.
* class Sprite manages individual sprites within the collection.

=== Example usage ===

The basic work flow is to first create a Sprites instance to manage the sprite collection. Then create and use individual sprites.

# Import the classes into your program.
from sprites import Sprites, Sprite

# Create a new sprite collection for a gtk Drawing Area.
my_drawing_area = gtk.DrawingArea()
self.sprite_list = Sprites(my_drawing_area)

# Create a "pixbuf" (in this example, from SVG).
my_pixbuf = svg_str_to_pixbuf("<svg>...some svg code...</svg>")

# Create a sprite at position x1, y1.
my_sprite = sprites.Sprite(self.sprite_list, x1, y1, my_pixbuf)

# Move the sprite to a new position.
my_sprite.move((x1+dx, y1+dy))

# Create another "pixbuf".
your_pixbuf = svg_str_to_pixbuf("<svg>...some svg code...</svg>")

# Create a sprite at position x2, y2.
your_sprite = sprites.Sprite(self.sprite_list, x2, y2, my_pixbuf)

# Assign the sprites to layers.
# In this example, your_sprite will be on top of my_sprite.

# Now put my_sprite on top of your_sprite.

# method for converting SVG to a gtk pixbuf
def svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_string):
pl = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader('svg')
pixbuf = pl.get_pixbuf()
return pixbuf

=== The Sprites Class ===

class Sprites


def __init__(self, canvas, area=None, gc=None)

self.list = []

def get_sprite(self, i)

def length_of_list(self)

def append_to_list(self, spr)

def insert_in_list(self, spr, i)

def remove_from_list(self, spr):

def find_sprite(self, pos):

def redraw_sprites(self):

=== The Sprite Class ===

class Sprite


def __init__(self, sprites, x, y, image):
self.layer = 100
self.labels = []
self.images = []

def set_image(self, image, i=0, dx=0, dy=0):

def move(self, pos):

def move_relative(self, pos):

def get_xy(self):

def get_dimensions(self):

def get_layer(self):

def set_shape(self, image, i=0):

def set_layer(self, layer):

def set_label(self, new_label, i=0):

def set_margins(self, l=0, t=0, r=0, b=0):

def set_font(self, font):t)

def set_label_color(self, rgb):

def set_label_attributes(self, scale, rescale=True, horiz_align="center",
vert_align="middle", i=0):

def hide(self):

def inval(self):

def draw(self):

def hit(self, pos):

def draw_label(self):

def label_width(self):

def label_safe_width(self):

def label_safe_height(self):

def label_left_top(self):

def get_pixel(self, pos, i=0):