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<small>''This article is about the biblical God.  For the term as used to refer to any divine being, see [[Other Gods]]''</small>
[[Image:Alphaomega.jpg|thumb|200px|God is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the ending]]
{{cquote|'''Genesis 1:1'''<br />In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.}}
{{trinity}}'''God''' is the sovereign creator and eternal ruler of all things and beings that exist, whether in the physical [[universe]] or in the spiritual realm ([[Heaven]]).  Not only is God the creator and ruler of the things and beings within those two realms, but he is also the creator of the realms themselves. God created the physical universe, and before he acted in this creation, the universe did not exist. Likewise God did with the spiritual realm.
== God is Revealed: How we know about God ==
==What's new==
Other than creation itself, God is revealed in several ways, including conscience and special revelation (the bible, and prophets). Most importantly though, God is revealed in [[Jesus Christ]], who is the Son of God.
This page is updated each week (usually on Monday morning) with notes from the Sugar Labs community. (The digest is also sent to the community-news at list, blogged at [], and [[Sugar Labs/Current Events/Archive|archived here]].) If you would like to contribute, please send email to [[User:walter|walter]] at by the weekend. (Also visit <span class="plainlinks">[].</span>)
== Attributes or Character of God ==
==Sugar Digest==
The attributes of God are things that describe who he is. Similar to the way one might describe a close friend to another individual, so too do these attributes describe God's character and nature. Attributes of God include but are not limited to [[Wisdom]], [[Infinitude]], [[Sovereignty]], [[Holiness]], [[Trinity]], [[Omniscience]], [[Faithfulness]], [[Love]], [[Omnipotence]], [[Self-existence]], [[Self-sufficiency]], [[Justice]], [[Immutability]], [[Mercy]], [[Eternal]], [[Goodness]], [[Gracious]], and [[Omnipresence]]. These attributes all work in complete and perfect harmony with one another.
God exercises eternal and righteous judgment of the wicked in [[hell]], because of an inherent problem in the human heart, namely [[Sin]]. According to the [[Bible]], the sacrifice of [[Jesus Christ]] on the cross of [[calvary]] and then [[resurrection]], is God's merciful and gracious response to the problem of the human heart.
1. Simon Schampijer and the Sugar release team announced Sucrose 0.88 last night. This is the fourth Sugar release since we launched Sugar Labs last year. Beyond the significance of the numerous improvements made to Sugar over the past six months is the professionalism of the release team. They have a predictable process; this means that deployments can reliably anticipate how Sugar will be able to meet their needs. Also significant is the degree to which deployments participated in this release. Most of the feature requests and many of the patches came from the field. This is a healthy sign, both in terms of Sugar's long-term sustainability and relevance.
=== God is Triune ===
You can read about Sucrose 0.88 in the [[0.88/Notes|extensive notes]] compiled by Simon and the team. (Note that many of the 0.88 features have been backported to Sugar 0.84, the version of Sugar initially being deployed on the OLPC XO 1.5 machines.)
Although the Bible does not use the term, it is clear that God is a triune God, or three in one.
Many thanks to the Sugar community.
These are sometimes referred to as ''God the Father'', ''God the Son'' ([[Jesus Christ|Jesus]]), and the ''[[Holy Spirit]]''.
The first hint of the Trinity is in {{Bible ref|Genesis|1|26}} which relates God saying, "Let us make man in our image", indicating that God is a plurality.
2. There has been a heated debate regarding the inclusion of Adobe Flash support on the developer list that the Sugar community may find interesting. Please see these threads [ [1]] and [ [2]] as well as a post from Chris Ball from a [ previous instantiation of the debate] in 2009).
The three persons of God are treated as equivalents in these words of Jesus shortly after His resurrection:
===In the community===
{{Bible quote|Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.|book=Matthew|chap=28|verses=19|version=NIV}}
==== Jesus is God ====
3. I gave the keynote this past weekend at a Hult International Business School Case Study event. They held a contest for proposals regarding the future of One Laptop per Child. I got to play the role of historian and also had the opportunity to plant a seed regarding a future study of Sugar Labs.
The first verse of the [[Gospel of John]], in which Jesus is referred to as the "Word", makes clear that Jesus is synonymous with God:
4. The DC Learning Club held a sprint this past weekend in order to update [ the getting started guide] on the website. When they "push" their changes, they will have updated much of the Sugar material on the site.  
{{Bible quote|In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.|book=John|chap=1|verses=1|version=NIV}}
This verse not only says that "the Word" (Jesus) is synonymous with God, but also says that the Word was "in the beginning", which means that He existed before all else existed, something that is only true of God.
This is reinforced two verses later, in which Jesus is described as the creator.
5. Rita Freudenberg announced that the University of North Carolina Wilmington will be the host for this year's USA Squeakfest! You are invited to a face-to-face gathering, sharing of experiences and materials relative to the usage of Etoys, July 26, 27 and 28th.
[[Genesis]] refers to God as being the Creator.
{{Bible quote|Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.|book=John|chap=1|verses=3|version=NIV}}
==== The Holy Spirit is God ====
===Help wanted===
In the following passage, the [[Holy Spirit]] is referred to as God:
6. 2010 Google Summer of Code intern candidates are beginning to circulate proposals. Please give them feedback.  
{{Bible quote|Then Peter said, "Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God."|book=Acts|chap=5|verses=3-4|version=NIV}}
=== God is omniscient ===
===Tech talk===
God knows everything:
7. Thomas C Gilliard has built a first pass Sugar Creation kit as a DVD iso image. The idea is to have a DVD that can be used to create Sugar on a Stick USB keys and to install Sugar onto your computer's hard drive. The image (which is quite large) can be found at [ [3]].
{{Bible quote|This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.|book=1_John|chap=3|verses=19-20|version=NIV}}
Because God is outside of [[time]], He can see and knows the [[past]] and the [[future]] as well as the present.
8. Paraguay Educa technology team has released a Sugar/F11 image for field testing in their Caacupé pilot: [ os115.img],[ os115.crc], [].
== "God" sometimes used to refer to God the Father ==
The image is "a derivative of Stephen Parrish's excellent F11-XO1 series, frozen a few weeks ago to concentrate on stability and field testing." The team's short-term goal is to meet a release criteria of "no regressions against build 801". Once this is done, they plan to synchronize with the latest improvements from our upstreams, F11-XO1.5 and F11-XO1.
[[Image:Velasco Padre Eterno.jpg|left|140px|God the Father]]
In the bible, the word "God" (θεός) does not always refer to God's being as a whole, but more specifically refers to the Person of the Father (God the Father). Here are some verses which demonstrate this:
{{cquote|'''John 3:16''' (NASB)<br />For <u>God</u> so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten <u>Son</u>, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.}}
{{cquote|'''1 John 4:10''' (NASB)<br />In this is love, not that we loved <u>God</u>, but that He loved us and sent <u>His Son</u> to be the propitiation for our sins.}}
Notice how in each case, "Father" can be substituted for "God." For example, "For the ''Father'' so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son," and "not that we loved the ''Father'', but that He loved us and sent His Son."
== Terminology ==
===Sugar Labs===
The Bible uses several different words to refer to God.
"God" itself is not a name, but an [[Old English]] word meaning ''supreme being, diety'',<ref>[ God] Online Etymology Dictionary.</ref> which the translators who translated the Bible in to English chose as the appropriate English word for the [[Hebrew]] ''elohim'' and the [[Greek]] ''theos'' used in the [[Old Testament]] and [[New Testament]] respectively.<ref name="DPK">Kruse, Dale P.,[ More on the ''Names'' of God In the Bible], Advanced Training Program of Evangelism.</ref>
:File:2010-Mar-20-26-som.jpg|Gary Martin has generated a SOM from the past week of discussion on the IAEP mailing list.
The other main term for God is the Hebrew ''adonai'', usually translated ''Lord''.
Visit our [ planet] for more updates about Sugar and Sugar deployments.
There are various compound words also used in the Bible, such as ''el shaddai'', which means ''God Almighty'' ("''el''" is a short version of ''elohim'').<ref name="DPK" />
''YHWH'' is given in the Bible as God's actual name.  In most English Bibles it is translated as <span style="font-variant:small-caps">''Lord''</span>, in small capitals.  The name has various other English versions, including Yehovah, Jehovah, and Yahweh.<ref>McHyde, Tim, [ God’s Name: LORD, Yahweh, Yahveh, YHWH, YHVH, Jehovah or Yehovah?]</ref>
== Community News archive ==
==See also==
An '''[[Sugar Labs/Current Events/Archive|archive]]''' of this digest is available.
*[[Other gods]]
*[[Christianity in Conservapedia]]
== References ==
==External links==
<span class="plainlinks">The Sugar Labs [ Planet] is found [ here].</span>
*[ Theopedia - God]
*[ - God]
*[ - God]
*[ Opposing Views: Is There a God?]
==Sugar in the news==
[[Category:Divine Beings]]
|align=right valign=top|02&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2010||'''Dailymotion''' &ndash; [ Un jour... à Paris... ensembles pour OLPC et Sugar...] (video)
|align=right valign=top|15&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2010||'''''' &ndash; [ Birmingham City students opt to spend spring break in class, XO computer camps] (video)
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2010||'''LWN''' &ndash; [ Karma targets easier creation of educational software]
|align=right valign=top|05&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2010||'''iprofesional''' &ndash; [ La PC barata de Negroponte desembarca en la Argentina para pelear contra Intel]
|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2010||'''AALF''' &ndash; [ Open Systems for Broader Change]
|align=right valign=top|03&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2010||'''Educacion 2.0''' &ndash; [ PLAN CEIBAL, El Libro]
|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009||'''xconomy''' &ndash; [ Sugar gets sweeter]
|align-right valign=top|10&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ Sugar software environment gets sweeter with version 2]
|align=right valign=top|09&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009||'''Wired''' &ndash; [ New Sugar on a Stick Brings Much Needed Improvements]
|align=right valign=top|08&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009||'''engadget''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a Stick OS goes to 2.0, gets Blueberry coating and creamy Fedora 12 center (video)]
|align=right valign=top|07&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009||'''''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a Stick: What it means for e-books and education]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2009||'''CNET Japan''' &ndash; [,2000056049,20404126,00.htm 「コードを見せて、もっと良くなるよ」と言える子どもが生まれる--Sugar Labsが描く未来]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2009||'''zanichelli''' &ndash; [ software libero a scuola]
|align=right valign=top|12&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2009||'''''' &ndash; [ openSUSE 11.2 Released]
|align=right valign=top|07&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2009||'''My Broadband News''' &ndash; [ Mandriva 2010 packs a punch [and Sugar]]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2009||'''GhanaWeb''' &ndash; [ Open education and an IT-enabled economic growth in Ghana: Musings of a dutiful citizen]
|align=right valign=top|09&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2009||'''interdisciplines''' &ndash; [  OLPC and Sugar: mobility through the community]
|align=right valign=top|08&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2009||'''IBM developerWorks''' &ndash; [ 10 important Linux developments everyone should know about]
|align=right valign=top|01&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC France''' &ndash; [ Interview Walter Bender au SugarCamp]
|align=right valign=top|25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2009||'''The Inquirer''' &ndash; [ One Laptop per Child marches on]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2009||'''Groklaw''' &ndash; [ The Role of Free Software in Education]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2009||'''Reuters''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs and Free Software Foundation Celebrate Software Freedom Day]
|align=right valign=top|17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2009||'''''' &ndash; [ Dream Again with One Laptop per Child]
|align=right valign=top|26&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2009||'''Latinux''' &ndash; [ Azúcar en una memoria USB]
|align=right valign=top|03&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2009||'''Wired: Geek Dad''' &ndash; [ Inventing a New Paradigm: SugarLabs and the Sugar UI]
|align=right valign=top|30&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2009||'''Zanichelli''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a Stick: imparare insieme]
|align=right valign=top|23&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2009||'''Everything USB''' &ndash; [ - Donate your Flash Drives for a Good Cause]
|align=right valign=top|22&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC France''' &ndash; [ Sugar : mauvaise presse et mise au point]
|align=right valign=top|13&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2009||'''Spiegel Online''' &ndash; [,1518,634718,00.html Das zuckersüße Leichtbau-Linux]
|align=right valign=top|07&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2009||'''ComputerWorldUK''' &ndash; [ Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: a Study in Contrasts]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2009||'''Windows Forest''' &ndash; [ USBメモリなどから“OLPC”用のOSを利用できる「Sugar on a Stick」が無償公開]
|align=right valign=top|02&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2009||'''Howard County Library''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a Stick]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2009||'''Deutschlandfunk''' &ndash; [ Süßes für die Kleinen: Sugar ist Linux speziell für Kinder] (in Deutsch)
|align=right valign=top|26&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2009||'''EduTech''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a stick, and other delectables (praise for the lowly USB drive)]
|align=right valign=top|26&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2009||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a Stick brings sweet taste of Linux to classrooms]
|align=right valign=top|24&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2009||'''BBC''' &ndash; [ OLPC software to power aging PCs]
|align=right valign=top|24&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2009||'''Technology Review''' &ndash; [ $100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC]
|align=right valign=top|15&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2009||'''TechSavvyKids''' &ndash; [ Episode 10 FOSSVT: Sugar on a Stick] (audio)
|align=right valign=top|10&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2009||'''''' &ndash; [ Sugar moves from the shadow of OLPC]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009||'''''' &ndash; [ Activities and the move to context-oriented desktops] (subscriber link)
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009||'''Business Wire''' &ndash; [ Dailymotion Launches Support for Open Video Formats and Video HTML Tag]
|align=right valign=top|01&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009||'''Guysoft''' &ndash; [ Nokia N810 Running OLPC Sugar]
|align=right valign=top|29&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''El Mercurio''' &ndash; [ Así se vivió la fiesta del software libre]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''ostatic''' &ndash; [ Sugar on a Stick: Good for Kids' Minds (and School Budgets)]
|align=right valign=top|25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''Free Software Magazine''' &ndash; [ The Bittersweet Facts about OLPC and Sugar]
|align=right valign=top|24&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ First taste: Sugar on a Stick learning platform]
|align=right valign=top|22&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009||'''Betanews''' &ndash; [ Beta of Live USB Sugar OS opens]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Mass High Tech''' &ndash; [ Google promotes summer open-source internships]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Metropolis''' &ndash; [ A Good Argument]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Laptop Magazine''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs’ New Version of Sugar Learning Platform Is Netbook and PC Ready]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2009||'''Market Watch''' &ndash; [{EF4B8934-0046-465F-AD4D-E82FBCE8F1EC}&dist=msr_7 Sugar Labs Nonprofit Announces New Version of Sugar Learning Platform for Children, Runs on Netbooks and PCs]
|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC Learning Club – DC''' &ndash; [ Learning Learning on a Stick]
|align=right valign=top|05&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2009||'''xconomy''' &ndash; [ Sugar Beyond the XO Laptop: Walter Bender on OLPC, Sucrose 0.84, and “Sugar on a Stick”]
|align=right valign=top|26&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Linus Magazine''' &ndash; [ Sugar Defies OLPC Cutbacks]
|align=right valign=top|19&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Feeding the Penguins''' &ndash; [ The status of Sugar, post-OLPC]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Sugar on Acer Aspire One & Thin Client via LTSP]
|align=right valign=top|12&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ thoughts about olpc cutbacks]
|align=right valign=top|07&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ OLPC downsizes half of its staff, cuts Sugar development]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ An Inside Look at how Microsoft got XP on the XO]
|align=right valign=top|30&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs Status at Six Months]
|align=right valign=top|22&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''The GNOME Project''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs, the nonprofit behind the OLPC software, is joining the GNOME Foundation]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''Feeding the Penguins''' &ndash; [ Sugar git repository change]
|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''NPR''' &ndash; [ Laptop Deal Links Rural Peru To Opportunity, Risk (Part 2)]
|align=right valign=top|13&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''NPR''' &ndash; [ Laptops May Change The Way Rural Peru Learns (Part 1)]
|align=right valign=top|09&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2008||'''SFC''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs joins Conservancy]
|align=right valign=top|31&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2008||'''Linux Devices''' &ndash; [ An OLPC dilemma: Linux or Windows?]
|align=right valign=top|10&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2008||'''Feeding the Penguin''' &ndash; [ Sugar on Ubuntu]
|align=right valign=top|21&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008||'''Groklaw''' &ndash; [ Interview with Walter Bender of Sugar Labs]
|align=right valign=top|17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008||'''Open Source''' &ndash; [ Sugar everywhere]
|align=right valign=top|28&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ An answer to Walter Bender's question 22]
|align=right valign=top|20&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Sugarize it: Intel Classmate 2]
|align=right valign=top|08&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''Investor's Business Daily''' &ndash; [ 'Learning' Vs. Laptop Was Issue]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Twenty-three Questions on Technology and Education]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ evaluating Sugar in the developed world]
|align=right valign=top|28&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ A Cutting Edge Sugar User Interface Demo]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''PC World''' &ndash; [ OLPC Spin-off Developing UI for Intel's Classmate PC]
|align=right valign=top|17&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Datamation''' &ndash; [ If Business Succeeds with GNU/Linux, Why Not OLPC?]
|align=right valign=top|11&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''LinuxInsider''' &ndash; [ The Sweetness of Collaborative Learning]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ untangling Free, Sugar, and Constructionism]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Open Education''' &ndash; [ Walter Bender Discusses Sugar Labs Foundation]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''BusinessWeek''' &ndash; [ OLPC: The Educational Philosophy Controversy]
|align=right valign=top|05&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''Code Culture''' &ndash; [ The Distraction Machine]
|align=right valign=top|05&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008||'''BusinessWeek''' &ndash; [ OLPC: The Open-Source Controversy]
|align=right valign=top|27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''The New York Times''' &ndash; [ Why Walter Bender Left One Laptop Per Child]
|align=right valign=top|26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Ars Technica''' &ndash; [ OLPC software maker splits from X0 hardware, goes solo]
|align=right valign=top|22&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''BetaNews''' &ndash; [ Linux start-up Sugar Labs in informal talks with four laptop makers]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''OSTATIC''' &ndash; [ OLPC's Open Source Sugar Platform Aims for New Hardware]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''PCWorld''' &ndash; [ Bender Forms Group to Promote OLPC's Sugar UI]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''MHT''' &ndash; [ Bender jumps from OLPC, founds Sugar Labs]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''''' &ndash; [ Sugar Labs will make OLPC interface available for Eee PC, others]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Feeding the Peguins''' &ndash; [ The future of Sugar]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Sugar list''' &ndash; [ A few thoughts on SugarLabs]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''xconomy''' &ndash; [ Bender Creates Sugar Labs—New Foundation to Adapt OLPC’s Laptop Interface for Other Machines]
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''BBC''' &ndash; [  '$100 laptop' platform moves on]
|align=right valign=top|15&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC wiki''' &ndash; [ Dual-boot XO] Claim: OLPC will not work to port Sugar to Windows.
|align=right valign=top|16&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008||'''Softpedia''' &ndash; [ Bender Launches Sugar Labs for Better Development of OLPC's Sugar UI]  
==Press releases==
[ See our Press Page]
[[Category:General public]]