
14 bytes removed ,  08:11, 4 April 2010
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:Printing had been one of the "to be taken as granted" features that Sugar lacked. And only after getting a working model done has it been a realisation to me why it had been abandoned. A lot of [re]engineering, brain-storming, design constraints, and factors such as dependencies and inclusion of concepts beyond any direct correlation with Printing, plus fighting with additional languages such as C,C++ and php had been a great overhead on me. So the outcome is definitely a bit clunky ( what I feel), but anyway, I assure you, I will be sticking with the project and Sugar and will definitely make it more concrete.
:Printing had been one of the "to be taken as granted" features that Sugar lacked. And only after getting a working model done has it been a realisation to me why it had been abandoned. A lot of [re]engineering, brain-storming, design constraints, and factors such as dependencies and inclusion of concepts beyond any direct correlation with Printing, plus fighting with additional languages such as C,C++ and php had been a great overhead on me. So the outcome is definitely a bit clunky ( what I feel), but anyway, I will be sticking with the project and Sugar and will definitely make it more concrete.
