→Instructions to test in joyride
* Add check to not fail on new gtksourceview2 API - this is needed for the activity to run on non xo platforms
* Add check to not fail on new gtksourceview2 API - this is needed for the activity to run on non xo platforms
== Instructions to test in joyride ==
== Instructions to test in olpc joyride ==
The sugar packages from Sucrose 0.81.2 went into the olpc image [ joyride-2024]. You can update to joyride using [ olpc-update] or a usb key.
There are no activities in the builds anymore. You can get the Sucrose 0.81.2 activities with the activities script (based on bert's activity update ['s_script script]).
* switch to a virtual console by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+[[Image:Mesh_key_f1_small.png]] keys.
* switch to a virtual console by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+[[Image:Mesh_key_f1_small.png]] keys.