
→‎Installation: soas-i386-20100929.16.iso zyx-liveinstaller (yum installed to Booted CD) works fine direct copy of running CD built from as USB with non-compressed file structure.
Line 461: Line 461:  
|boots HD firstboot. Sugar: boots ok get Enter password for Keyring 'Default'to unlock popup (requires 4+ cancels)[](Already logged into wireless AP in Gnome) CP Software update not working[], after restart: no avitars in f1 neighborhood  []
|boots HD firstboot. Sugar: boots ok get Enter password for Keyring 'Default'to unlock popup (requires 4+ cancels)[](Already logged into wireless AP in Gnome) CP Software update not working[], after restart: no avitars in f1 neighborhood  []
|zyx-liveinstaller (yum installed to Booted CD)
|soas-i386-20100929.16.iso  (''first build in quite a while that seems to work'')
||8 GB USB /boot (ext4)-500; / (ext4)-balance; no swap ; works fine direct copy of running CD built from as USB with non-compressed file structure.
