
Replaced content with "== The purpose == {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Purpose}} == Sugar doers workflow == {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Workflow}} == Implementation details == {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Implementation}}"
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== The purpose ==
[[Category:Zero Sugar]]
== Zero Sugar Distribution ==
Zero Sugar provides a method that is transparent for users and convenient for doers to deploy software across varying platforms as well as across Sugar releases. Zero Sugar is mainly targeted to support a direct, doer-to-user interaction model, i.e., shortcut the chain of transfer of doer-to-distributor-to-user (still, Zero Sugar could be [[#Distributors|beneficial]] for distributors, since it unifies the deployment workflow).
== Sugar doers workflow ==
== Benefits ==
How Zero Sugar might be useful depending upon your point of view:
== Implementation details ==
See also [[Activity_Team/Zero_Sugar/Use_Cases|other]] use cases.
=== Users ===
Users can run Sugar effortlessly in multiple environments (machine architectures, GNU/Linux distributions, etc.). And since Sugar also stimulates users to be doers, there can be tons of handmade software in the field (mostly duplicates and reinvented wheels, but this is the nature of learning with Sugar—one tries some software, realizes some missing or additional feature, modifies or mimics some code, learns something new, and eventually produces a new creation). It is becoming critical to provide an easy and robust launching scheme for all these pieces of code, without writing long HOWTOs somewhere on a wiki, like "Please, if you are on Ubuntu, install these packages before starting my activity...".
Relying only on a particular distributor, i.e., using activities only from one distributor's channel, makes Sugar less useful or universal. Zero Sugar provides the most convenient and direct deployment method possible between the author of a piece of code and its users.
=== Doers ===
Authors of code are always interested in supporting as large an audience of users as possible. And since people can use Sugar in different environments, it is critical to provide an instrument that permits an activity to run  on all Sugar platforms. In the case of Python-based activities, the existing practice of just zipping the activity code into .xo files works pretty well. But for arbitrary scripting languages, such as Ruby, that are not part of the [[0.88/Platform_Components|Sugar Platform]], for binary based activities and for activities that have dependencies that are not included in the Sugar Platform, there is the problem of providing the user with the necessary code.
Zero Sugar tries to solve all the possible issues that prevent activity launching in an heterogeneous Sugar environment.
Also, if you have some development idea in mind, you can start pushing it through the Sucrose release queue to get it into an upcoming (though maybe not the nearest) release. However, since the release process is binary—either your feature is included or not—Zero Sugar offers more flexibility for everyone. For example:
* some features are of arguable general benefit; Zero Sugar would allow interested end users to efficiently test (and even deploy) such features;
* some feature are only stable in limited environments; Zero Sugar would allow deployment in limited environments without the risk of destabilizing the rest of Sugar.
=== Distributors ===
The [[0.88/Platform_Components|Sugar Platform]] cannot grow endlessly, e.g., installing Sugar from packages should not fetch half of all available packages including several UI toolkits, several programming languages, etc. So, components like Qt or Ruby are (at least at present) not in the Sugar Platform list. But with Zero Sugar, activities could still use such dependencies by installing them from native packaging systems on demand, and without bundling their binaries.
== How it works at a glance ==
Services that are used within Zero Sugar:
* [ OBS], openSUSE Build Service, that is patched to accomplish Zero Sugar needs. Accessible from site. It will be a central place for all files related procedures like hosting various files, building binaries, providing GNU/Linux distribution repositories for centralized Sugar deployments.
* [ 0install] decentralized deployment infrastructure.
* [ PackageKit] to install software from native packaging systems.
=== Identification ===
Every Zero Sugar package is identified by a Web url like [ GCompris]. The file, url points to, is regular 0install feed (in other words, 0install package) that contains metadata about package itself and all its implementations.
Implementations are Web links to tarballs. Packages are split into implementations to:
* let user launch not only last version e.g. package can contain implementations for several branches or/and stabilities,
* split binary implementations per OS and platform,
* split implementations per language,
* support forks.
Zero Sugar natively supports ''forks'' (better name?) that could be [ regular forks] or just results of doers' experiments i.e. without intension to push changes to an upstream. Forks are regular Zero packages and identified by unique Web url but linked to an upstream package (by mentioning upstream url in [ feed-for] metadata field). So, having an upstream activity, from doer A and from doer B, user C will have Record implementations from three sources.
Having urls as Zero packaging ids, it will be possible to:
* Launch activity in any supported environment just by passing activity url to {{Code|sugar-activity}} command.
* Shell's activities list items might not be tied to activity implementation. Useful for:
** creating activity catalogs without downloading implementations,
** more efficient disk-storage usage e.g remove less frequently used activities to save space for new ones.
=== Recipe file ===
The process departing point is a [[Platform_Team/Recipe_Specification|recipe file]] which is used within Zero Sugar to accomplish the major task - how to prepare the code to launch.
The Zero Sugar recipe file is an all-sufficient entity. With only the file and {{Code|0sugar}} tool, it is possible to prepare the code necessary to launch in various environments like the major rpm/deb-based GNU/Linux distributions or just launch locally.
=== Prepare the code ===
The preparation step can be trivial, unless the code requires a building stage. Building might occur:
* on the developer's workstation, to deploy to environments similar to the developer's,
* on, to build for the GNU/Linux distributions that are supported, or
* building might happen on the user's side, if other methods don't work.
=== Share the code ===
Sharing step might be:
* ''local'', if code needs to be run only in the doer's environment.<br>Zero Sugar recipe file will be handled as a regular {{Code|}} file.
* ''peer-to-peer'', direct sharing between doer and users.
** Code can be launched if on-line users in the Neighborhood View have a copy of shared code, i.e., the doer only needs to be on-line to let other people launch his code.
** Just by transfering a bundle with the code, e.g., using .xo bundles.
* ''client-server'', doer needs to upload code to the server, and users will download it.<br>The particular method might be different:
** via the 0install infrastructure,
** via repositories with native packages,
** by uploading bundles to servers like ASLO.
* ''distributor'', most likely similar to ''client-server'', but different from the doer's point of view, since only the distributor is responsible for a particular distribution method.
=== Regular workflow ===
The regular workflow within Zero Sugar, in the case of coding a Python-based activity, will look like the following:
* Create new project and package on
* Create activity [[Platform_Team/Recipe_Specification#Python_activity|recipe file]].
* Code the activity.
* Try current code in Sugar just by selecting an icon in the activities list.
* When a milestone is achieved, call {{Code|0sugar dist push}} to create sources tarball and send it to
* After that, activity will be accessible for direct usage (via 0install) and for distributors that are eager to deploy it (via native packages).
== Documentation ==
Start your exploration of Zero Sugar beginning with these resources:
* How Zero Sugar looks from the Sugar Activity developer point of view
* How Zero Sugar looks from the 0install point of view
* How Zero Sugar [[Activity_Team/Zero_Sugar/Native_Packages|looks]] from the GNU/Linux distribution packaging point of view
See [[Platform_Team/Guide/Packaging|Packaging Guide]] for detailed instructions and Zero Sugar [[Activity Team/Zero Sugar/Use Cases|example use cases]] .
* [[Documentation Team/Services/Activity Developers Guide|Activity Developers Guide]] to get instructions on how to use the existing Zero Sugar packages in activities.
* [[Documentation Team/Services/Service Developers Guide|Service Developers Guide]] for how to create a Zero Sugar package.-->