
827 bytes added ,  11:48, 10 January 2011
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TamTam is a suite of four music and sound related activities for the XO. TamTam is written in python with some C functions for speed-critical services. The audio engine for TamTam is Csound.
TamTam is a suite of four music and sound related activities for the XO. TamTam is written in python with some C functions for speed-critical services. The audio engine for TamTam is Csound.
=== Build from sources ===
In Terminal activity, launch:
sudo yum install git csound-devel alsa-lib-devel python-devel make
Clone the sources and build binaries:
mkdir -p ~/Activities
git clone --depth 1 git:// ~/Activities/tamtam
cd ~/Activities/tamtam/common/Util/Clooper
If make was successful, create symlinks to all TamTam activities:
cd ~/Activities
rm -rf TamTam*.activity
ln -s tamtam/*activity .
=== Share built TamTam ===
Go to the directory with one of four TamTam activities you want to copy, e.g.:
cd ~/Activities/TamTamMini.activity
Create .xo bundle:
./ dist_xo
Copy built .xo bundles to the sugar Journal:
copy-to-journal -m application/vnd.olpc-sugar dist/*.xo
Drag and drop copied .xo bundle from Journal to, e.g., USB stick.