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Do Barry Newell's 40 shapes challenge []
Wiki Page Status: <span style="color:#ff0000"> DEPRECATED </span>
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Do Daniel Ajoy's Geometry Exercises []
The source file has been moved to [ GitHub]
Mike Leishman's 10 Green Bottles Competition.
The idea is that you write a program to display the words of the song "10 green bottles" []
Can you get the computer to sing in tune using the [ espeak -p] option
Mike Leishman's Guess the Number
Write a guessing game computer program. It must ask the user to guess a secret number between 1 and 100 and continue until the secret number is guessed. If the user guesses the wrong number, display a message stating that they are too high or too low such as "Bad Guess – Too High - Try again". Make your program count the number of guesses taken. When the user guesses the correct number, display the Message "You guessed it in <number of guesses> guesses" and stop the program.
Extension: You can also provide the user with other information such as “cold”, “warm” and “hot” depending on how far out their guess is. []
Generating numbers
Calculate the values of pi [] and e [], find the prime numbers up to 1000
How many different ways can you do it?
How fast can you do it?
Write a program to solve: A small pizza costs 120 pesos. A large pizza costs 160 pesos. You spent 920 pesos in total. How many small and many large pizzas have you bought? []
Project Euler []
