
Joined 25 September 2008
2,334 bytes added ,  20:51, 23 April 2014
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* [[File:Slideruletute.pdf]] tutorial
* [[File:Slideruletute.pdf]] tutorial
== Software Freedom Day Melbourne 2010 ==
== Presentations - Software Freedom Day Melbourne ==
[[File:Softwarefreedomday10.pdf]] presentation
[[File:Softwarefreedomday10.pdf]] presentation photos photos
== Sea Surface Temperature Mapping ==
== Sea Surface Temperature Mapping ==
Line 116: Line 120:  
[ see]
[ see]
*Get a developer key and unlock your XO
*Get a developer key and unlock your XO
*Download osxxx.zd,,
*Download osxxx.zd,, (seem to only need the zd file)
*rename the zip file to
*rename the zip file to
*Pressing the "check mark"(tick) game key, Turn on the laptop,
*Pressing the "check mark"(tick) game key, Turn on the laptop, (don't seem to need the tick)
*press ESC (X) to get to the OFW prompt "ok",
*press ESC (X) to get to the OFW prompt "ok",
   fs-update u:\osxxx.zd
   fs-update u:\osxxx.zd
Line 132: Line 136:  
===Deployment key signed builds===
===Deployment key signed builds===
===Nand blaster XO1.5===
==Dodo mobile broadband on the XO==
==Dodo mobile broadband on the XO==
Line 160: Line 168:     
  chmod 777 ~/Activities
  chmod 777 ~/Activities
chmod 777 ~/Activities -r    #contents too?
unprotects the directory but it is still hidden, in the file manager <i>nautilus</i> check show hidden files
unprotects the directory but it is still hidden, in the file manager <i>nautilus</i> check show hidden files
To automate this every time Gnome starts, add the following 2 commands to System, Preferences, Startup applications
  rm .hidden
  chmod 777 Activities
==Enabling debug output==
==Enabling debug output==
Line 171: Line 186:  
  echo gnome > /home/olpc/.olpc-active-desktop
  echo gnome > /home/olpc/.olpc-active-desktop
and restart
and restart
==Setting the clock==
From firmware, using the internet, networkname is your modem/router eg DLINK
ok  essid networkname
ok  ntp-set-clock
ok  .clock
Worked despite timeout message
==Text dungeon==
==Text dungeon==
A text dungeon game for literacy and numeracy
Most of this page transferred to [[Activities/Textdungeon]] , just the command line version here
[[File:Text dungeon.jpg|300px]]
[[File:Text dungeon.jpg|300px]]
(Will transfer this page to Activities/Textdungeon if it gets to a working version.)
The dungeon [[File:Sampledungeon.doc | description file]]
[[File:Textdungeon.doc | the program]] is a version of the program's Python code which works from the command line
[[File:Textdungeon1.xo]] is a Sugarised install bundle, works Sugar 0.88 - 0.92
[[File:Textdungeon2.xo]] Sugar compliant icon, do not load sample file if resuming, backspace supported, journal entry saves progress)
===Keyboard commands===
h - help
f - forward
r - right
l - left
b - list backpack contents
p item - pick up item
d item - drop item
u item - use item
q - quit
==1.75 accelerometer ==
[[File:Screenshot of sugar-activity 3 axis.png|300px]]
The vertical axis is raw reading/4 so 1G=250
[[File:Turtle Art Activity 3 axis.ta]]
==Screenshots in Sugar==
===Simple screenshot===
To take screenshots press Alt 1
This will capture the screen but not the mouse cursor
===Screenshot with cursor===
To also capture the mouse cursor, install gnome-screenshot. Type the following in Terminal:
sudo yum install gnome-utils
You can then start the interactive version of gnome-screenshot:
gnome-screenshot --interactive
Check that you have the right options selected and that 'Include pointer' is selected, then click Take Screenshot. Do not navigate away to the screen you want the screenshot of because you will be unable to navigate back to the utility. At this point we are just checking that the options are correct.
Select a suitable save location such as 'Documents' and click Save.
Now you are ready to take a screenshot. Start gnome-screenshot from Terminal with a suitable delay, eg. 2 seconds
gnome-screenshot -d 2
The dungeon [[File:Sampledungeon.doc | description file]] description file is plain text and can be edited with the Write Activity. It is purposefully unencrypted and easily edited. 'Cheating' by reading or altering the dungeon is encouraged.
Immediately go to the screen you wish to capture, position the cursor where you want it, get the menus etc. as you want them and wait for the dialog box. Click Save. (Later versions of Sugar allow you to access the saved file in Documents but the folder contents are not updated, you may need to switch between Journal and Documents to see the updated file listing.)
At the moment [[File:Textdungeon.doc | the program]] the program's Python code works from the command line only, no GTK support, no saving, no Journal support. The next step is to add these features.
The intention is that children would both play and create dungeons to develop math, literacy and problem solving skills:
==GIT and patches==
===GIT local repository===
sudo install git
Playing the game
clone the git of the Turtle, in a terminal, make:
* visualise 2D spaces (could extend to 3D or even 4D)
git clone  git://
* navigate compass directions N E S W and relationship to right, left
* text literacy
* can include subject related content
* problem solving
Making/editing/reading a dungeon file
In the mainline folder there are all turtle's files..
* all the above plus
* Cartesian coordinates
sudo yum install patch
* variables
* word processing skills
sudo yum install patch --nogpg
* programming like skills
* create in any language
===Dungeon file format===
Should be a "raw patch" link (eg. 2b4ecb0cc7095f47fc944c54512e055c21537ab5.patch)
[l,room x,room y] your location
[i, item, item ....] your inventory
1. Save that page as a file into ~/Activities/TurtleArt.activity  (eg patching Turtle Art)
[u,room x, room y, item, room x, .....] location of items
2. From terminal run the patch command as follows:
[d,room x, room y, direction, closed, room x, .....]> status of wall/door segments
patch -p1 < 2b4ecb0cc7095f47fc944c54512e055c21537ab5.patch
[r,room x,room y,direction,item which unlocks,open text,closed text,text when opening] 
That is it. (Note, you should be able to use autocomplete when typing
the command line by hitting tab after typing the first few letters of
the patch file name.)
[r,room x,room y,direction,item which unlocks,open text,closed text,text when opening] 
