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==XO-1 & XO-1.5 links & notes==
This page is for discussion of the [[OLPC]] page content.
*XO-1 HomePage:
::OLPC Wiki:
::Activity Tracker:
::Collections OLPC:
::'''Testing''' [[Talk:Community/Distributions/Fedora]]
::Mesh Networking: (Re: [Testing] [OLPC New Zealand] os873 on XO-1.5 and os873 on XO-1 -07/15/2011) 07/18/2011
XO-1.5's do not have Mesh networking support, so they use 802.11 Ad-hoc
networks.  XO-1's default to Mesh networks at the moment for compatibility,
because that is what they historically have done.
Once an XO-1.5 starts an Ad-hoc network, the XO-1's will spot that network
within a minute or two, and use the same Mayan numeral as the XO-1.5 to
indicate its presence.  If all the XOs leave an Ad-hoc network it
disappears; but Network Manager/Sugar cache its presence for a while in case
a scan accidentally missed a network.
When an XO-1 sees an Ad-hoc networks they are all filled in as "occupied",
because an XO-1 does not show the unfilled variants to allow an XO-1 to
start them.
This behavior has been around since OLPC build 10.1.3 (860) & Sugar 0.90,
and is described at
I believe XO-1's can be adjusted to default to Ad-hoc as well if desired
* Sugar 0.92.1 has a bug with
  The large number of avitars being sent cause long delays on starting activities. dbus timeouts.
  If CP/Network does not start here, it is not possible to delete the jabber entry.
  It is possible to do this with the old terminal OLPC command:
  sugar-control-panel -l ( Lists commands )
  sugar-control-panel -s jabber ""
        suggested by Cerlyn  ("" is null string which forces salut )
To check setting change:
  sugar-control-panel -g jabber (which lists current setting to see if it is changed. Shows blank line)
* MY Settings/About Me/ click on different color avitar; restart; gdm log in and jabber will not be a problem
*'''after using the Ad-hoc connection; disconnecting and connecting to the Access Point; you must restart sugar to get jabber to reconnect.'''
:OLPC News:
:[ update XO-1 IRC session transcript]
:Tonyforster: [[User:Tonyforster]]
:Solar Panel to charge X0-1: